Car and utility vehicle rental.
Services: - risk-free hitchhiking - I'm looking for a passenger - I'm looking for a ride.
Půjčovna automobilů, autopůjčovna:
Activity: - car service - tire service - MOT - emissions - financial services - sale of vehicles. Comprehensive services in the field of repair and maintenance of passenger and commercial vehicles, management of the company fleet. We provide financial services, including mediation of leasing and liability insurance, we provide regular inspections of cars, including technical…
Služby: - autoservis - pneuservis - odtahová služba. Maolobchod, prodej: - autodíly a autodoplňky - skútry - ojetá vozidla. Prodejna, servis: Zahradní 13 593 01 Bystřice nad Pernštejnem
Činnost: - servis a pronájem - závodní automobily.
Car service, car repair shop. Repairs, service: - cars and vans: - diagnostics - mechanical work - spraying car cavities and undersides - installation of a DPF FAP particulate filter. Work: - powder coating of ALU wheels and discs - chiptuning - ESOtuning. Conversion of cars to BIOETHANOL E85.
Sale: - personal cars - car parts, spare parts for cars - car accessories. Repair, service: - motor vehicles of all brands. Assembly, installation: - LPG - alternative drive.
Car rental. Rental, rental: - Audi A5, Mercedes Benz, Chevrolet cars Corvette and Camaro Hot Wheels Edition for weddings and rides. We provide trips with a driver.
Advance Car Service s.r.o. provozuje autopůjčovnu a zaměřuje se na pronájem osobních vozů různých značek.
Martin Baďura provozuje autopůjčovnu a zajišťuje přepravu osob a nákladu.
KSG servis s.r.o. se zaměřuje na prodej vozidel a provozuje autoservis pro osobní a užitkové automobily.
PEVIAUTO s.r.o. provozuje autoservis a pneuservis a zaměřuje se na prodej a pronájem automobilů.
Diagnostika aut. Autodiagnostika OBD-II - EOBD. Autodiagnostika osciloskopem. Prodej zboží zabývající se autodiagnostikou, servisních kabelů a nutných zařízení pro autoservisy: - autoklíče - xenony - osciloskopy - úprava a tuning aut. - antiradarové systémy. - navijáky.
Autoporadenství: - vyhledávání vhodného vozu - ověření roku výroby - diagnostika řídící jednotky - jednání s autobazarem - kontrola stavu vozidla. Autoškola.
Autoservis: - oprava osobních automobilů - příprava vozidel na technickou kontrolu - geometrie náprav.
Car service: - complete repairs of all passenger and commercial vehicles brands, converting vehicles to LPG and E85. Sale and changing of tires. Repairs and filling of air conditioners.
Liquidation of the insurance event. Towing service. Valuation of motor vehicles. Rental of a replacement vehicle.
Sales, service: - sale and service of new and refurbished cars of premium brands Aston Martin, Bentley, BMW, Corvette, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lotus, Maserati, Mercedes Benz, Porsche.
Sale: - new semi-trailers brand MEGA - used cars and trucks - spare parts for passenger cars - oils and greases.
Import of cars to order. Sales of Volvo and Ford cars.
Import of vehicles: - personal - utilitarian - sporty - to order from authorized dealers - service services - tire service - towing service.
Sale, purchase of vehicles, import from the EU: - credit services - car insurance - service services - tire service - sale of spare parts. Transport of vehicles. Towing service. Car rental.