Passenger motor vehicles

Get yourself a new motor car is no problem. Sales of new and used cars, service and regular maintenance, it all offers a smaller and larger car dealerships and car repair. When buying a car it is possible to arrange the lease, liability and collision insurance.

FULL autoservis s.r.o.

Activity: - car service - tire service - MOT - emissions - financial services - sale of vehicles. Comprehensive services in the field of repair and maintenance of passenger and commercial vehicles, management of the company fleet. We provide financial services, including mediation of leasing and liability insurance, we provide regular inspections of cars, including technical…


Služby: - autoservis - pneuservis - odtahová služba. Maolobchod, prodej: - autodíly a autodoplňky - skútry - ojetá vozidla. Prodejna, servis: Zahradní 13 593 01 Bystřice nad Pernštejnem

Petr Heller

Car service, car repair shop. Repairs, service: - cars and vans: - diagnostics - mechanical work - spraying car cavities and undersides - installation of a DPF FAP particulate filter. Work: - powder coating of ALU wheels and discs - chiptuning - ESOtuning. Conversion of cars to BIOETHANOL E85.


Sale: - personal cars - car parts, spare parts for cars - car accessories. Repair, service: - motor vehicles of all brands. Assembly, installation: - LPG - alternative drive.