The company AUTOSTENLLY s.r.o. runs a car dealership. We sell quality used vehicles. We specialize in company cars. We also clean DPF filters using the latest technology. You can find Autobazar at Tiskařská 7, Most - Velebudice.
The company AUTOSTENLLY s.r.o. runs a car dealership. We sell quality used vehicles. We specialize in company cars. We also clean DPF filters using the latest technology. You can find Autobazar at Tiskařská 7, Most - Velebudice.
The company HYDROCLAR s.r.o. deals with the development, production and installation of equipment for water purification, treatment and pumping. Other programs include the production of plastic tanks and the production and installation of truck washers for heavy-duty operations such as buildings and quarries. Our company provides design, production and assembly services in the Liberec region, as…
Services: - manual car washing - cleaning the interiors of cars, buses, carpets and seats.
LufiCars Jiří Pijan carries out comprehensive car repairs in Most and its surroundings, including tire service. We offer, for example, all mechanical vehicle repairs, service inspections specified by the manufacturer, interior cleaning by dry and wet methods and steam, exterior cleaning always by wet methods, single-step and multi-step paint renovation, tire changing and wheel balancing, fault…
We offer services in the field of domestic and international car transport, removals, real estate clearance, ecological disposal, car cleaning, upholstery and carpets. You can use our services throughout the Czech Republic, but we operate mostly in the cities of Most, Žatec, Chomutov, Louny, Kadaň, Litvínov, Teplice. Do not hesitate and use our quality services, which we implement to the…
Cleaning and interior cleaning of passenger and commercial vehicles. We can perform the cleaning directly at your home or in the company, or you can bring the car to us and we will give it maximum care at a professional level. We also offer renovation of originally clear headlights and renovation of leather-trimmed steering wheels. We also clean sofa sets
Mobile washing of your vehicle fleet directly on the premises of your company. Exterior washing of trucks, buses and cars. Wet cleaning and disinfection of wet and dry methods. Disinfection of transport areas.
Tepování interiérů aut Kompletní úklidové služby - úklid kanceláří, staveb, bytů - mytí oken Tepování koberců
Sale and service of used cars. Washing vehicles. Towing service.
Prodej - náhradní díly pro automobily Servis - osobní vozy Pneuservis Mycí linka Vedení - účetnictví - daňová evidence
Car dealership Sale - tires Car service Manual vehicle washing Taxi service
Services: - international truck transport - domestic truck transport - shipping - transport of dangerous goods ADR - truck service - truck washing line
Realization: - vertical road markings - horizontal road markings - she seduced Lease: - traffic signs Construction work: - reconstruction of houses - renovation of bathrooms - insulation of buildings Locksmith work. Services: - hand washing, vehicle cleaning
NONSTOP car wash. Washing station, cleaning line: - cleaning the interior of tanks, tank cars, IBC containers after food and chemical products The washing box is equipped with a steam generator and high-pressure device NILFILSK WAP-ALTO. Surface treatment of metals. Welding of metals and other materials.
Services: - car wash - washing line
Work: - car paint shop - car repair shop, body shop - car service - tire service - washing vehicles
Authorized sales of Mazda, Fiat cars. Car service, car repair shop - authorized Mazda and Fiat service. Car rental. Washing line. Sale of spare car parts.
Karosářské a autoklempířské práce Servis - klimatizace Autoservis Pneuservis Ruční mytí a čištění - automobily
Services: -car service -tire service - towing service - sale of spare parts - interior cleaning -car rental
Čištění - interiéry vozidel. Správa a majetek. Úklidové práce - pravidelné a jednorázové úklidy domácností a firem - zametení a setření omyvatelných podlahových krytin - luxování koberců a židlí - vyprázdnění a vymytí odpadkových košů a popelníků - kompletní úklid sociálního zařízení včetně dezinfekce leštění nábytku - mytí dveří, obkladů a radiátorů - mytí…
Plumbing work Painting work Complete service - trucks - oil change Washing line Towing service
Services: -technical inspection station -measurement of emissions -verification of tachographs - cleaning of vehicles -car service
Hand wash - car bodies Cleaning - car interior Waxing and Polishing - car bodies - nanotechnology Light polishing All services only on ORDER +420 777 82 73 73
Services: - car service, maintenance, repairs, adjustments - LPG installation, lpg service - filling, replenishing and cleaning of air conditioners