The village of Lhota pod Radčem is located in the eastern part of the Rokycany district in the Pilsen region. It is stored under the Radče massif, which is part of the Křivoklát Highlands. The village lies at an altitude of 498 m above sea level and has an area of 7.36 km2. The first written mention of the village dates from 1352. Today, the village of Lhota pod Radčem has 302 inhabitants. …
Medový Újezd je malebná obec v podbrdské krajině, kde si můžete užít klid a pohodu. Nachází se asi 15 km východně od Rokycan, snadno dostupná vlakem i autem. Obec leží v nadmořské výšce 451 m a je obklopena hlubokými lesy, které lákají k procházkám a houbaření. První písemná zmínka o obci pochází z roku 1336. Archeologické nálezy ovšem doládají osídlení již ve starším období. V katastru obce…
The village of Hlohovice can be found in the Rokycany district in the Pilsen region. It covers an area of 1811 hectares and is located at an altitude of 432 m above sea level. The first written mention of Hlohovice dates from 1374. The village consists of four smaller villages, namely Hlohovice, Hlohovičky, Mostiště and Svinná. At present, Hlohovice has 319 inhabitants. Municipal facilities: …
Městský úřad Hrádek
Municipal office Chlum u Zbirohu. The village includes a farm Hamouz, Sádka, a hunting lodge in Prašný Újezd and almost 60 cottages along the stream Radubice and on the right bank of the Berounka. The predominant function of the village is recreational. In addition to the listed cottages, more than half of the 60 residential buildings are used for recreation. Civic amenities School - no…
Kamenný Újezd is located in the Pilsen Region, just three kilometers southeast of the district town of Rokycany, along the Klabava River. The first written mention of the village dates from 1368. Local part is Kocanda. Currently, a total of 820 inhabitants live here. The village was declared the Village of the Year in the Pilsen Region in 2018. In the village is already built sewer. Services…