State and local government

State and local government can solve your problems and issues in the field of safety, environment, finance, statistics, construction and management of roads, heritage matters, or also in the areas of energy, food, school and business inspections.

Obec Spešov

Obec: Počet obyvatel 621. Občanská vybavenost -budova obecního úřadu -hasičská zbrojnice -místní knihovna -kadeřnictví -kosmetika -samoobsluha -restaurace U Meče -koupaliště, hřiště na volejbal, plážový volejbal, dětský koutek -sportovní areál na Bahnech - hřiště na kopanou (kluziště), tenisový kurt, hřiště na nohejbal (volejbal), dětský koutek s pískovištěm a prolézačkami, budova …

Obecní úřad Luleč - OU

Municipal office. Population 809. Culture and services: -post -associations - volunteer firemen's corps, scout, simarela, mother's center beads, TJ sokol -public library - natural amphitheater -Kindergarten -medical devices - tourist information center -swimming pool, playground, gym. The village is a member of the Microregion Drahanská vrchovina. A distinctive landmark of the…

Obec Hodějice

Hodějice village is located in the South Moravian Region, Vyškov district, only four kilometers east of the town of Slavkov u Brna. The village is situated on the left bank of the Litava River and is dominated by the Church of St. Bartholomew. The first written mention of the village can be found in 1455. Currently, there are a total of 935 inhabitants. Village equipment:  - Kindergarten  -…