Dům klidného stáří, spol. s r.o.
Hospital for long term sickness. A home with a special regime.
Hospital for long term sickness. A home with a special regime.
Cooperative for the disabled, former Minardinis company. We employ more than 50% of employees with disabilities - disabled people and we have created sheltered jobs in all categories of our activities. Services: - cleaning service, guarding the premises - inspection and packaging of products supplied directly by manufacturers, eg TOKOZ, VEBA PLYN Milevsko - washing cars and trucks,…
Provision of health and social care.
Gospelový soubor.
Efforts to expand and strengthen commercial and cultural relations between the Czech Republic and Ireland.
We are a group of golf enthusiasts who decided to run the best golf portal in the Czech Republic. These pages are only part of a wide golf network consisting of several interconnected and connected websites - in addition to GOLFee.cz, also GOLF42.cz (news and service), GOLFfantasy.cz (fun betting competition). We also work on GOLFblogger.cz (blogging), GOLFtraveller.cz (travel) and…
Cech mechanických zámkových systémů (CMZS) je oborová organizace, sdružující podnikatele, fyzické i právnické osoby, které podnikají a působí v oblasti výroby klíčů a montáží mechanických zábranných prostředků – zámkových systémů.
organizace sdružující chovatele a příznivce včelaření
Obchodní komora usilující o podporu hospodářských a obchodních styků mezi ČR a Švýcarskem, zajištění informací, kontaktů, právní pomoci a exportu.
Association of manufacturers of equipment for nuclear energy.
NEZIZKOVKY LIBERECKÉ KRAJE, z.s. (abbreviated as "NELI") was created as an umbrella organization for non-profit organizations operating in the Liberec region. The main mission is primarily advocacy, promotion, fulfillment of the interests and needs of non-profit organizations, as well as educational and educational activities.
PeTA protected workshop s.r.o. it creates jobs and employs people with disabilities, and we also offer compensation for companies that do not employ people with disabilities. Our company was founded in 2010 and now employs 28 people with work restrictions. Protected workshop: - job creation and employment of people with disabilities - compensation for companies. Compensation is another…
fish and fishermen Křenov. Křenov Fishing Races. Fishing Křenov. Fishing Křenov Jevíčko Svitavy
We are an association that deals with the promotion of railway transport, documentation and publication activities in the field of railway history, the preservation of railway technical monuments, the creation of commemorative stamps and the organization of special train rides.
The village of Ouběnice is located in the Central Bohemian Region in the district of Příbram, approximately 7 km south of the town of Dobříš. The village consists of several local parts, they are Ouběnice, separated by the river Kocába from the settlement Chaloupky, and Ostrov u Ouběnic. The common cadastral area is 446 hectares, on which approximately 231 inhabitants live. In the vicinity of…
Asociace zhotovitelů fotbalových hřišť s umělými trávníky je profesní organizace, která funguje jako nezávislá cechovní organizace v rámci svého kolektivního členství v ESTO. Našim cílem je ve spolupráci s FAČR docílení co nejvyšší kvality při výstavbě fotbalových hřišť s UT3G. Dále chce také naše asociace přispět k šíření objektivních informací důležitých pro koncové uživatele což jsou fotbalové…
The Association of Energy Auditors-Energy Specialists was founded in 1997. It is an association of natural and legal persons, which brings together authorized persons - energy specialists for activities arising from Act No. 406/2000 Coll., On energy management, as amended. Specifically, it involves the elaboration of energy audits, assessments, the performance of boiler efficiency checks or…
Zámečnictví, nástrojářství Opravy silničních vozidel Poskytování přechodného ubytování /v rámci živnosti volné/ Veteran Car Club Dvůr Králové nad Labem Tyršova 557 544 01 Dvůr Králové nad Labem
We have been providing replacement services since 2007, both for our own services and for business activities. However, we have more than 10 years of experience with replacement performance. See our site for a reference sheet for substitute filling.
Services: - processing and administration of projects for which it is possible to apply about a subsidy within the Operational Environment Program from areas of support 6.3. Landscape restoration. Planting in intravillan and extravillan. Ecological agriculture.
Cleaning agency. Services: - household cleaning services - one-off, regular services, cleaning: - vacuuming, dusting, ironing, washing windows, laundry - walking pets - babysitting and tutoring children - care for the elderly: - personal assistance - securing, importing, taking away for examination, rehabilitation - import of food, medicines - shopping -…
Sheltered workshop Verpet s.r.o. We offer long-term cooperation mainly for the automotive industry. We have two modern workshops with a capacity of 125 jobs. Our skilled and trained staff will perform manual processing, visual inspection and sorting. We use quality bench grinders, drills and other small tools.
HCLi o.p.s. se zaměřuje na pomoc a podporu mládeže ohroženou sociálně patologickými jevy a mládeže opouštějící ústavní zařízení.