Authorities and organizations

The correct operation of the republic and the satisfaction of citizens with the care authorities and organizations, which are the municipal and county authorities, tax authorities, cadastral offices, the courts, the constitution, conservation, management of natural resources, customs, contributory organizations and more.

THEIA - krizové centrum o.p.s.

A non-governmental non-profit organization that helps anyone who finds himself in a situation that he cannot solve on his own. We offer crisis assistance and professional assistance, especially for people in crisis, victims of crime and violence. A large group of our clients are people in the so-called debt trap. Our help is intended for everyone, regardless of gender, age restrictions, religion.…


ZO OS KOVO PRAMET is a trade union associating its members from among the employees of three companies, namely Dormer Pramet, s.r.o., TDK Electronics, s.r.o., and Urdiamant, s.r.o. The goal of our organization is to promote and protect the economic and social rights and interests of union members and trade unions associated with them. ZO OS KOVO PRAMET, services: - labor union - defending…

Zlínská krajská asociace Sport pro všechny, z.s.

The Zlín Regional Association Sport for All is a subsidiary of the Czech Association with nationwide operations. It carries out its activities mainly in the Zlín Region, organizes sports activities for athletes of all ages from the youngest children, practicing with parents through preschoolers, younger and older pupils, adolescents, men, women and seniors. It organizes sports competitions and…