Sigurd, o.s.
A battle group dealing with the Varangian period Battle performances from the Varangian period
A battle group dealing with the Varangian period Battle performances from the Varangian period
Non-profit organization in support of ancient Indian culture
Activity: - civic association dealing with the operation of the garden railway on a scale of 1: 8
Asistenční služba handicapovaným dětem při pobytu ve škole i mimo ni, pomocí osobních asistentů Občanské sdružení - asistenční služba handicapovaným dětem při pobytu ve škole i mimo ni, pomocí osobních asistentů
Historical Fencing Group Consultation - jousting tournaments - historical court and peasant dances - oriental dancer - shooting with historical firearms - ceremonial guard - period military camps - historical parades with drums and flags.
Voluntary Firefighter Unit.
A group of historical fencing of the Knights of the Order of the Rose
Voluntary Firefighter Unit.
North Bohemian Economic and Educational Association.
Voluntary Firefighter Unit.
Civic Association - deepening the international meeting of the disabled
Sbor dobrovolných hasičů
Civic Association: - self-realization and cooperation
The Irish Sisters are a dance group that dances classical Irish dance and Irish step dance to Irish music. They organize dance performances and dance at various social events.
Pension, accommodation - capacity of 53 beds - single and multi-bed rooms - matrimonial suite - care for long-term ill seniors, persons older than 26 years - short-term and long-term stays - large garden, grill, fireplace - parties with live music.
Denní centrum - kapacita 10 - 15 osob - denní péče nesoběstačným a zdravotně postiženým seniorům, jejichž zdravotní stav vyžaduje pomoc, péči nebo dohled další osoby
Nabídka - šermířsko - divadelní vystoupení z období gotiky, renesance, třicetileté války a baroka
- civic association of children and youth providing assistance - children with epilepsy, allergies, diabetes, orthopedic defects, post-traumatic conditions, obesity tendency - children from Kangaroos and children's homes - children with medical and social disabilities
Společenství Androméda z.s. it mainly supports the interests of the disabled and the elderly.
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