Authorities and organizations

The correct operation of the republic and the satisfaction of citizens with the care authorities and organizations, which are the municipal and county authorities, tax authorities, cadastral offices, the courts, the constitution, conservation, management of natural resources, customs, contributory organizations and more.

Blanka Zatloukalová

-Mimoškolní výchova a vzdělávání, pořádání kurzů, školení, včetně lektorské činnosti -Poskytování služeb pro rodinu a domácnost -Provozování kulturních, kulturně-vzdělávacích a zábavních zařízení, pořádání kulturních produkcí, zábav, výstav, veletrhů, přehlídek, prodejních a obdobných akcí Péče o dítě do tří let věku v denním režimu

Craftwork, s.r.o.

Sheltered work workshop. manual gluing of packages, assembly of components and products, packaging and assembly, insertion of advertising leaflets and items in magazines and other products, foiling, sticking of double-sided adhesive tapes and more.

Amulet logistic, a.s.

We provide logistics services - storage throughout the Czech Republic - complete warehouse service - assembly and assembly, disassembly and entry inspection - packaging and labeling - outsourcing part or all of internal processes at customers - consultancy - comprehensive supply of supplies for the office - cutting material with a water jet

Domov seniorů Metuj, s.r.o.

Hospitality activity -Production of textiles, textile products, clothing and clothing accessories - Wood processing, production of wooden, cork, wicker and straw products -Production of building materials, porcelain, ceramic and plaster products -Production of medical devices - Mediation of business and services -Storage, packaging of goods, cargo handling and technical activities in…