Hnutí Brontosaurus Jeseníky
Support and search for regional volunteer activities and cooperation with other regional organizations in the field of cultural and natural heritage care.
Support and search for regional volunteer activities and cooperation with other regional organizations in the field of cultural and natural heritage care.
Home for mothers with children. Capacity 45 beds. Dormitory for women - capacity 7 beds.
Providing social services to users with mental disabilities who cannot live in their natural environment for various reasons.
Kojenecký ústav pro děti do 3 let.
Sdružení pro zaměstnávání osob se změněnou pracovní schopností. Zaměstnáváme zdravotně postižené a poskytujeme náhradní plnění firmám, které nesplňují zákonnou povinnost v počtu zaměstnání občanů se ZPS.
Agrární komora. Podpora podnikatelské aktivity v zemědělství, potravinářství a lesnictví.
Česká lékařská komora.
Český červený kříž.
In accordance with legal regulations and internal management acts, the Archive performs state administration, performs professional activities and performs tasks in the field of archiving defined by its material and territorial competence. Within the Moravian-Silesian and Olomouc regions, it supervises, among other things, the performance of the file service and the disposal of documents, selects…
Controls the performance of the file service at organizational units of the state, territorial self-governing units, organizational units, contributory organizations, state enterprises, schools and legal entities in the Nový Jičín district and relevant municipalities, selects archives in shredding proceedings and outside shredding proceedings at the originators mentioned above, takes care of…
Branch. State District Archive.
District archive. It is an internal organizational unit of the Provincial Archive in Opava. Archiving. File services. Archival records. Specialized library for the field of archiving, file services and regional history.
State District Archive. Internal organizational unit of the Provincial Archive in Opava
State District Archive.
Ubytování pro bezdomovce.
Okresní hospodářská komora.
Středisko volného času.