Úřad pro zastupování státu ve věcech majetkových
Pobočka. Úřad pro zastupování státu ve věcech majetkových.
Pobočka. Úřad pro zastupování státu ve věcech majetkových.
QUICK ONE TIME JOB: - assembling furniture, replenishing goods in retail chains, cleaning services, distributing leaflets, unloading trucks, ... - provision of secondary school and university students, or women on maternity leave SHORT TERM WORK: - work for several consecutive days in case of problems with the status of regular employees - administration, auxiliary work in construction…
The parish choir of the Silesian Church of the Evangelical Augsburg Confession in Český Těšín is primarily a community of Christians who: - they share faith in the Triune God, the Father, the Son (Jesus Christ) and the Holy Spirit; - learns to live in the spirit of Christ's Gospel and to implement in practice the commandment of love for God and for people; - accepts the Bible as the basis of…
Farní sbor Těrlicko.
Farní sbor Bohumín.
Farní sbor Albrechtice.
Branch - Frýdek-Místek Parish Choir. Silesian Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession: - evangelic church - rectory, parish office.
The parish choir of the Silesian Church of the Evangelical Augsburg Confession in Komorní Lhotka. Church.
The parish choir of the Silesian Evangelical Church in Třanovice. Church organization. Evangelical Silesian Church of Augsburg creed: - church - rectory, parish office.
Charitativní činnost.
Sociálně aktivizační služby pro seniory a osoby se zdravotním postižením.
Domov důchodců, domov pro seniory.
Charitní dům pro matky v tísni.
Charitativní činnost. Domov pro osamělé matky s větším počtem malých dětí, pro rodiny, jejichž členové jsou dlouhodobě nezaměstnaní, bez přístřeší nebo se stali oběťmi trestné činnosti.
Krajské vojenské velitelství.
Military garrison. Troops. Crew.
Army Czech Republic. Army. Crew. Barracks.
Regional military headquarters are a military administrative office that performs state administration in its territorial district and at the same time fulfills the tasks of state defense in accordance with special legal regulations, in particular Act No. 585/2004 Coll., on conscription and its provision (Defense Act). They plan and ensure mobilization preparations and the implementation of…