Authorities and organizations

The correct operation of the republic and the satisfaction of citizens with the care authorities and organizations, which are the municipal and county authorities, tax authorities, cadastral offices, the courts, the constitution, conservation, management of natural resources, customs, contributory organizations and more.

Obec Pustá Polom

Pustá Polom Municipal Office. Pustá Polom is located almost on the highest points of the Polom plateau of Nízký Jeseník about 15 km southeast of Opava, surrounded by extensive forests. As of 1.12.2009 the village had 1460 inhabitants and their number is still growing slightly. Pustá Polom has its registry office and building office, and in its territory family development has grown in recent…

Obec Staré Těchanovice

Obec Staré Těchanovice se nachází v okrese Opava v Moravskoslezském kraji. V krajině Červenohorské plošiny, nedaleko údolí řeky Moravice s místní částí Jánské Koupele v údolí řeky. První zmínky o dnešní obci Staré Těchanovice pocházejí z roku 1377. Tehdy docházelo k dělení Opavska a ves náležela Alšíkovi z Těchanovic. V současné době má obec 128 stálých obyvatel. Z občanské vybavenosti se v…

Obec Šilheřovice

Obecní úřad Šilheřovice. The first written report about the village Šilheřovice is a document from 1377 on the distribution of the property of Opava Duke Nicholas II. between his four sons. The village became the seat of the estate, to which belonged villages Antošovice, Darkovice, Hať, Koblov and Markvartovice. In the 16th and early 17th centuries, the owners of the estate were Bírková of Násil…

Obec Těškovice

Municipal office. Těškovice is located in Silesia in the southeastern part of the Low Jeseník in the former district of Opava and about 10 km from Bílovec. The cadastre of the village is located at an altitude of 386 to 458 meters (the highest point is Mečník / Mezník). From the highest points there is a beautiful view of the Beskydy wall, industrial Ostrava, Klimkovice spa, etc. The village is…

Obec Velká Polom

Great Polom. The village is one of the oldest in the Silesian region. Unfortunately, there are few sources from which the oldest facts about the lives of our ancestors can be read. More than 730 years ago, a terrible storm came, a violent gale uprooted centuries-old trees and uprooted a large part of the forest. The surrounding residents used these logs to build their dwellings and established…

Obec Vřesina u Hlučína

The village of Vřesina u Hlučína is situated on the slopes of the valley basin of the Bečva brook in the Hlučínská pahorkatina at an altitude of 240 - 276 meters. It is located in the district of Opava 6 km north of Hlučín, 13 km from Ostrava-Poruba and 17 km from the center of Ostrava. It belongs to the oldest villages of Hlučínsko. Vicious boulders They are located in the vicinity of…