Authorities and organizations

The correct operation of the republic and the satisfaction of citizens with the care authorities and organizations, which are the municipal and county authorities, tax authorities, cadastral offices, the courts, the constitution, conservation, management of natural resources, customs, contributory organizations and more.

JULIE - Mezigenerační centrum - Poskytujeme péči osobám po CMP

Julie Intergenerational Center: Center of daily services for adults and seniors and apathy. Julinka - nursery school speech therapy - common space for meeting three generations. In the intergenerational center Julie we offer care for children, adults and seniors with the need of regular speech therapy and care for seniors with reduced self-sufficiency. The Center for Daily Services …

Český půdní fond

We are a slightly opportunistic fund, so we buy "anything" depending on the price. When investing, we mainly consider the following land parameters, such as acreage, tenancy relations, consolidation rate, land improvements, land accessibility, BPEJ, distance from the border of Germany and Austria, type (arable vs. grass), proportion of subsidized area in the total area, side effects. (road,…

Svatý Florián – Dobrovolní hasiči roku

The registered association St. Florian - Volunteer Firefighters of the Year is an independent, open and volunteer organization bringing together natural and legal persons with the aim of actively helping in the promotion of volunteer firefighters and raising awareness of their extraordinary dedication. The mission of our association is to organize an annual poll "Volunteer firefighters of the…

Centrum Kociánka

NON-STOP Homes for people with disabilities: - accommodation services for people with reduced self-sufficiency due to disability. Day Care Center: -ambulatory services are provided to persons who have reduced self-sufficiency due to age or disability, whose situation requires regular assistance from another natural person. Weekly stationary: - the mission is to support users in self…

Osecká vize z.s.

The organization has been helping sick children since 2011. The HELP FOR CHILDREN WITH BRAIN PULSE project is focused on helping families with children after cerebral palsy under the age of 18. Children with this handicap have a severe movement disorder, speech defects or are unable to speak and swallow at all, most of them depend on the help of others. You can support our organization by…

Tanec pro všechny, o.s.

Sdružení věnující se propagaci společenského tance formou tanečních vystoupení, show, tanečních kurzů a lekcí, spoluprací s ostatní organizacemi. Nabízí individuální výuku pro páry či jednotlivce v příjemném tanečním studiu v centru Prahy. Specializujeme se též na svatební tanec pro novomanžele. Nabídnout můžeme též vše okolo tance pro Váš firemní, maturitní ples či party.