Seed growing

You want to start to grow plants or breed? Buy the necessary seeds, seed or straight up flowers. For more effective results it is good to have in addition to the gardening needs to take appropriate fertilizers and sprays, which support the development of the plant and protects it.

AgroZZN, a.s.

The company AgroZZN, a.s. focuses on trade, post-harvest treatment and storage of plant commodities. Our other activities include the distribution of certified seeds, plant protection products, pesticides and fertilizers. We also operate household goods stores in several municipalities. We are based in Rakovník, we operate within the Central Bohemian and Ústí regions. Post-harvest treatment,…

Jitka Kulhánková - K&K Paráda

-Zakázkové šití -úpravy dámských a pánských oděvů -opravy dámských a pánských oděvů -květinářství -obchod s keramikou -řezané květiny -hrnkové květiny -umělé květiny -floristické zboží -květináče -svíčky -obrázky -dárkové zboží


Production, Wholesale, Retail: -seeds of field crops -grass mixtures -seeds in small packages -special feed mixtures for pets -feeds for livestock -sales of mineral fertilizers -breeding of fodder varieties -laboratory analyzes of plant commodities Agriculture: crop production. Wholesale of grain, seeds and animal feeds. General foreign trade activity.


Production, sale: - seeds, plant seedlings - agricultural products (sowing, sowing) - purchase of mercury commodities - company store Establishments: Chlumec nad Cidlinou I 503 51 Chotěboř 583 01 Breeding station Větrov Náchod 16 Náchod 54700 Vysoke Myto - Domoradice 566 01 aj.