Agriculture and forestry

Agriculture requires in addition to natural and man-made fertilizer products, as well as appropriate technique, i.e., tractors, sprayers, seeders, harvesting equipment, products and more. In the framework of the forestry sector are the need for forest seedlings and farming or forestry technician.

Zdeněk Langer

Production, processing and sale of champignons and oyster mushrooms. Traditional Czech agriculture from Wallachia. Internet portal operation: Mushroom recipes, oyster mushroom recipes. Sale of advertising banners, web management, administration + copyright Martin Minařík.

AGRO BŘEZOVÁ, s.r.o. - rostlinná a živočišná výroba

Agricultural company AGRO BŘEZOVÁ, s.r.o. is engaged in business in the field of plant and animal production. As part of animal production, our eco-farm focuses primarily on grazing breeding cattle and pigs. However, the list of our services does not end there. Another activity that our company operates is crop production. In this segment, we specialize mainly in growing cereals. As…

ZS Pitín, a.s.

Plant agricultural production: - cultivation, production: - cereals - winter wheat, spelled wheat, rye - legumes - technical crops. Animal agricultural production: - breeding: - grazing cattle without market milk production. Sale: - products of crop production and animal production. Complete agricultural production respects the principles of organic farming. The…

PALMAX, s.r.o.

Production, importation, distribution, sale, wholesale: - chemical substances and preparations for agriculture - animal production and the food industry - primary dairy production: -hygienic and disinfectants: - for the treatment of cow udders - for maintenance and cleaning of milking technology (milking lines): - automatic milking device -milk ducts -dairy barrel.

Ranch Nevada - Antonín Nevřiva

Představte si místo, kde se příroda snoubí s dobrodružstvím a kde každý den je novým příběhem. Vítejte na Ranch Nevada, kde se tradice setkává s moderní zábavou a kde každý návštěvník stává se součástí naší rodiny. Ranch Nevada je nejenom ranč, ale domov pro širokou škálu zvířat od koní až po lamy a kozičky. Od roku 1997 jsme se stali oblíbeným turistickým cílem v okolí Buchlovic, kde nabízíme…

ZOO PRODEJNA - Botková Mária

RANGE OF GOODS: Feeds: - granulated food for dogs and cats - canned goods for dogs and cats - treats - a wide range of feed for birds and rodents - feed for aquarium and pond fish - food for terrarium animals and live animals - vitamin supplements of animal food Pet Supplies: - aquariums and terrariums - ventilation motors, filters, heating elements - live and artificial…