Agriculture and forestry

Agriculture requires in addition to natural and man-made fertilizer products, as well as appropriate technique, i.e., tractors, sprayers, seeders, harvesting equipment, products and more. In the framework of the forestry sector are the need for forest seedlings and farming or forestry technician.

Motorola, s.r.o.

Vývoj: - analogové, analogově - číslicové, číslicové integrované obvody - divize polovodičů - integrované obvody pro automobilový průmysl mikroprocesory zn. Freescale - systémová aplikační laboratoř, výzkum a prototypová výroba Aplikační laboratoř: - aplikace součástek MOTOROLA. Technické informace o výrobcích firmy MOTOROLA.

Miroslav Hřiva

Pila. Pilařská výroba: - palubky obkladové, podlahové - plotové dílce - stavební řezivo hranoly, desky, latě, fošny - stolařské řezivo suché - volná kapacita na pořez kulatiny - sušení dřeva.

Valašské ZOD, družstvo

Zemědělské obchodní družstvo. Výroba: - zemědělská: - rostlinná (obiloviny, řepka, olejniny, pícniny), krmiva - živočišná (chov skotu, výroba mléka). Zpracování, skládka: - odpady. Mléčná farma: - Střítež nad Bečvou, tel. 571634234.

Veterinární ordinace - MVDr. Zdeněk Lysý

Veterinarian, veterinary practitioner. Veterinary office, medical and preventive care for all types of animals, including exotics. We carry out chipping of animals. We issue European passports and include the data in the international animal register. Retail, sales: - medicines, vitamin and mineral supplements for animals and exotics - breeding supplies and feed - beekeeping tools.

AGROTECH, spol. s r. o. - živočišná, rostlinná výroba

The company AGROTECH, spol. s r. o. deals with mixed agricultural production, which means that in addition to work in the field, it also deals with animal husbandry. We manage approximately 1280 ha of agricultural land in five cadastral areas. This is the territory of the municipalities of Poličná, Branky, Choryně, Lhota and Juřinka. 1045 ha is arable land, the rest are permanent grasslands. …

FLORCENTRUM Foltýnová s.r.o.

The company Florcentrum Foltýnová s.r.o. has been selling a wide range of flowers since 1990, currently operates more than 20 stores and brick-and-mortar stores throughout the Czech Republic. Offered by Florcentrum Foltýnová s.r.o. you will find: - cut flowers - congratulatory bouquet - wedding floristry - wedding bond - event decoration - room flowers - potted flowers -…

FLORCENTRUM Foltýnová s.r.o.

The company Florcentrum Foltýnová s.r.o. has been selling a wide range of flowers since 1990, currently operates more than 20 stores and brick-and-mortar stores throughout the Czech Republic. Offered by Florcentrum Foltýnová s.r.o. you will find: - cut flowers - congratulatory bouquet - wedding floristry - wedding bond - event decoration - room flowers - potted flowers -…

FLORCENTRUM Foltýnová s.r.o.

The company Florcentrum Foltýnová s.r.o. has been selling a wide range of flowers since 1990, currently operates more than 20 stores and brick-and-mortar stores throughout the Czech Republic. Offered by Florcentrum Foltýnová s.r.o. you will find: - cut flowers - congratulatory bouquet - wedding floristry - wedding bond - event decoration - room flowers - potted flowers -…

OSEVA PRO s.r.o., odštěpný závod Výzkumná stanice travinářská Rožnov - Zubří - (VST Zubří)

Herbarium research station. Advice: - technology of growing grasses for seed (establishment of stands, protection against weeds, diseases and pests, post-harvest treatment) - compilation of meadow and grazing mixtures - treatment of meadows, pastures - compilation of regional mixtures, flowery meadows - establishment, maintenance of lawns - energy utilization of grasses. Testing new…