Agriculture and forestry

Agriculture requires in addition to natural and man-made fertilizer products, as well as appropriate technique, i.e., tractors, sprayers, seeders, harvesting equipment, products and more. In the framework of the forestry sector are the need for forest seedlings and farming or forestry technician.

Vysočinská lesní, s.r.o.

The company Kopečný a Kučera was founded in 2002 and began to deal with the implementation of complex forestry services. In 2007, we founded the forestry company Vysočinská lesní s.r.o., which took over all the services we provided. The main content of our forestry and timber company is primarily work in forestry, where we perform all related services. Afforestation of forest and non-forest land,…

Štěpán Hort

Malířské práce Truhlářská výroba, prodej, dodávka, montáž - pergoly - altány Zakázkové truhlářské prácevýroba - okna - dveře - schody - pergoly - altány Zakázkové čalounické prácevýroba - sedací soupravy Prodej, dodávka a montáž - čalouněné sedací soupravy Truhlářská výroba, prodej, dodávka, montáž - dveře - okna Truhlářská výroba, prodej,…

Spojené farmy, a.s.

United Farms is an informal association of agricultural farms for the purpose of joint sales and finalization of agricultural products, and today it is one of the largest suppliers of Czech organic food to independent health food stores and retail chains (Albert, Billa, Globus, Hypernova, Interspar, Kaufland, Makro, Tesco) in the Czech Republic Republic and Slovakia. Direct deliveries straight to…