Agrojilm, s.r.o.
Výroba - rostlinné produkty Výroba - živočišné produkty
Výroba - rostlinné produkty Výroba - živočišné produkty
Prodej - nafta Doprava - nákladní Obchodní činnost - prodej nafty Rostlinná výroba Živočišná výroba
Crop production Breeding: - farm animals Biogas plant
Supplier: -biomass for energy Agricultural Services: -pressing straw and hay - spreading manure -liming -harvest -mowing bows -turning hay -field work Redemption: -waste straw and hay
Plant and animal production. We grow wheat, barley, oats, canola, corn, clover and alfalfa. Pig and cattle breeding, milk production.
Rostlinná výroba včetně zelinářství a zahradnictví Chov - ovce, krávy koně, prasata
Plant production, including vegetable growing and horticulture
Delivery - seeds of corn, sunflower and winter rapeseed
Sale - wood Production - lumber Logging Forestry Agriculture Hunting Beekeeping
Zpracování - produkty rostlinné výroby Zpracování - produkty živočišná výroba
Cleaning, drying of cereals and oilseeds Grain storage Laboratory SILO DOBRUŠKA plant AGROM CZ, s.r.o. On Poříčí 859 518 01 Dobruška
Plant production Animal production
Hotel - non-smoking - capacity 32 beds, apartments 2x2 beds - 2-5 bed rooms - parking in the building - WIFI internet connection - the possibility of entry with dogs (for a fee, on a leash) - conference room for 60 people Non smoking restaurant - summer terrace Non-smoking wine bar Riding school - rides - indoor equestrian hall - riding school -…
Zemědělská výroba Zemědělská výroba - chov skotu Chov koní
Agroprogres - Servis, s.r.o. focuses on the provision of a wide range of agricultural services. Our portfolio includes sowing maize, sunflower, cereals, forage mowing, combine harvesting cereals, rape, maize silage, straw baling and more. We also sell silage bags, foils, twine and cover nets. You can find us in Dubicko on Družstevní 276, Šumperk district. Agricultural services: - sowing maize…