
Let go within the gardening to growing your own flowers, herbs, vegetables and fruits. You will need bulbs, seeds, fertilizers, substrates, plant pots or flower boxes and the appropriate tools. The ornament can be purchased cut and potted flowers or other artificial decorations.

Komínek Vladimír

Gardenka Maloobchod, prodej: - zahrádkářské potřeby - okrasné, ovocné školkařské výpěstky - semena, osivo, zemina, hnojivo, cibuloviny - plastový zahradní nábytek - zahradní doplňky - fólie, netkané textílie.

Ing. Jaroslav Kubálek - Zahradnictví Kunín

Gardening, garden service. Planting, maintenance, establishment: - ornamental gardens, gardens -parks, reconstruction of parks -orchards, projection of orchards, horticultural arrangements -greenery, greenery - transplanting trees, saplings. Services: - one-off and regular maintenance public, private and company greenery - irrigation of greenery -Installation, implementation:…

Zahradní služby - Martin Běnek

Zahradní služby, činnost, práce: - zahradní a lesní služby - sekání, sečení, kosení trávy - celoroční úprava zahrad - úprava rodinných zahrad, průmyslových objektů - obnova a rekultivace zahrad - realizace, zakládání zahrad s pokládkou travních koberců - provádíme zahradní architekturu - vysekávání a údržba těžko přístupných ploch (příkopy, svahy, kolejiště) -…

Zahradnictví Šimková, s.r.o.

The company Zahradnictví Šimková, s.r.o. is a member of the Association for the Establishment and Maintenance of Greenery, which operates in the field of gardening and landscaping. Implements and designs gardens, parks and playgrounds. It focuses mainly on ornamental and fruit trees, bathing ponds, organic pools and green roofs. It will take care of your garden and provide: - planting…

Zahradnictví a květinářství Bellis - Lenka Něničková

Bellis L + L florist and horticulture provides its customers with a diverse range of services. We sell potted and cut flowers, we provide wedding and funeral bouquets, arrange for various cultural, social or sports events. You can also buy a wide range of gardening supplies from us. Florist services: - flower arrangements - flower arrangements - bouquets - wedding bouquets, funereal bouquets…

Květinová síň a eshop s květinami Bellis - Lenka Něničková

Our Flower Hall and eshop with Bellis flowers - Jana Něničková from Prostějov will prepare an arrangement for any occasion. Order wedding and funeral bouquets, floral ties, cut and potted flowers from the comfort of your home and take advantage of the possibility of delivery to the desired location. On request, we produce arrangements of artificial and freshly cut flowers (freesia, anthurium,…

Květinová síň Bellis - Pasáž - Lenka Něničková

Wedding, funeral bouquets and floral arrangements for various occasions are produced by the Bellis Flower Hall - Passage in Prostějov. We sell potted, cut flowers and gardening supplies, which you can buy in the e-shop. As part of our services, we provide the possibility of delivering ordered flowers. We will prepare arrangements for any event. We combine various types of artificial and…