
Let go within the gardening to growing your own flowers, herbs, vegetables and fruits. You will need bulbs, seeds, fertilizers, substrates, plant pots or flower boxes and the appropriate tools. The ornament can be purchased cut and potted flowers or other artificial decorations.

Jitka Kulhánková - K&K Paráda

-Zakázkové šití -úpravy dámských a pánských oděvů -opravy dámských a pánských oděvů -květinářství -obchod s keramikou -řezané květiny -hrnkové květiny -umělé květiny -floristické zboží -květináče -svíčky -obrázky -dárkové zboží

Jaroslav Sýkora - eurogarden

Complete design work from studies to implementation projects: -family gardens - company green - roof gardens and terraces - rockery The main activities of our work include the implementation of: -family gardens - company green - roof gardens and terraces - rockery Implementation may include: - construction of ornamental ponds and their planting -laying lawns, laying grass…

Ing. Luděk Straka Hortena - Hortena

Zahradnictví. Pěstování, prodej: - jehličiny, listnaté keře, stromy - azalky, vřesy, rododendrony - okrasné traviny, pnoucí dřeviny - ovocné stromky a keře - růže-velkokvěté, pnoucí, skalkové, pokryvné - thuja Smaragd - thuja Malonyana - pinus Nigra - pinus Mugo - sakury - zakrslé borovice - pins Watereri - barevné buky - šeříky - červený a černý jeřáb - lípy …

Jiří Král

Zahradnictví. Realizace sadových úprav, údržba zeleně. Výroba: okrasné rostliny Maloobchod - provozovna Holín u Jičína: Ovocné a okrasné rostliny, substráty, hnojiva...

Zahradnictví Květ s.r.o.

Horticulture: -projects, implementation of living and artificial greenery -Turnkey delivery of ornamental gardens -ground work -basing and treatment of grass areas -laying of grass carpets -cutting and felling in extreme conditions -floral interior decoration -irrigation systems (GARDENA). Garden architecture.


Garden center, gardening. Sample ornamental garden. Sale: - conifers, shrubs, trees - mature trees - fruit trees and bushes - apricots, peaches, plums - plums, cherries, pears - currants, gooseberries, raspberries - strawberry seedling, single-bearing, ever-bearing - Canadian blueberries, geraniums, chrysanthemums - heathers, rhododendrons, hydrangea, lavender - surfinia,…


Atelier: - garden and residential architecture and landscaping. Proposals, implementation, consultancy in the field of horticulture: - ornamental garden projects with implementation including irrigation, supply of pools and lighting - ensures autumn planting - a wide assortment of ornamental trees (also imported), roses, fruit trees and cash on delivery and with import -for district and…

PEMAG, spol. s.r.o.

Sale: -vine seedlings, vines -vineyard posts (steel) -gas scarecrows of birds -label, wine label, wines -PVC shrink capsules -CHIESSER cork stoppers. Road transport: -freight national road transport -freight international road transport -transport of hazardous materials ADR -specialization in Austria -Freight forwarding services-Complete customs clearance of SAD, EUR,…