
Take advantage of the rich assortment of feed for the animals. Granules, pouches or treats for dogs and cats, cereal-based mixtures for livestock, grain for the birds, flakes for aquarium fish, or a big selection of vitamins and supplements for all animal species.

Naděžda Feithová

ALFA flour mill and packing plant. Production and sale. Flour mill - mill products: - Wheat, rye, corn flour: plain light flour, plain half-light flour, plain bread flour, flours, choice medium ground flour, coarse flour Golden Ear, graham flour, rye bread flour, superfine rye flour, rye graham (whole grain) - Dehydrated fine wheat semolina - Corn flour and semolina. Mixtures for…

Karel Nevřivý

Aquaculture. Retail, sales: - feed for fish, rodents, birds, cats and dogs -parrots, fish, hamsters. Complete aquarium equipment: -plants, filters, medicines. Painting Supplies. Maintenance. Advice

Aqua tropic zoo

Maloobchod, prodej: -chovatelské potřeby -akvaristika -teraristika -krmivo pro zvířata-psy, kočky, ryby a exoty -akvária na zakázku -zverimex -poradenský servis.

KSK BONO s.r.o.

Výroba: - krmivo pro domácí zvířata - extrudovaná krmiva - suchá krmiva - směsi krmiv. Výroba: - Heřmanice nad Labem - 55212 Heřmanice nad Labem - tel: 491812740, 491813622 - fax: 491815477 - mobil: 737229179 Expedice, balírna: - Brod nad Labem - 55212 Brod nad Labem - tel: 491813259, 491813230-1 - fax: 491813268 - mobil: 737229178.

Agrone trading s.r.o.

Purchase and sale of agricultural commodities - cereals, oilseeds, corn Distribution - buying and selling - feed, feed supplements and feed additives Complete sanitation and disinfection program for cattle, pig and poultry farms - consulting activities in the field of cattle, pig and poultry breeding - consultancy and sale of supplies - sales and advisory service for…


Production: -feed for exotic birds -granular, feed mixtures, supplementary feed for small rodents, rabbits, chinchillas -feeds, compound feeds for pigeons and wild birds -wooden, corn bedding, litter for cats. Billing address: AVICENTRA s.r.o. Stropešín 71 675 55 Hrotovice


Výroba, prodej: -krmné směsi pro odchov zvířat -krmné směsi pro výkrm zvířat -krmné směsi dle požadavku zákazníka -bílkovinné koncentráty pro skot a prasata. Distribuce: -mléčné náhražky pro telata a selata Autodoprava: -TATRA sklápěč (sklopka).