Rostislav Polášek
Breeding - sheep Kennel - dogs BORDER COLLIE, BELGIAN SHEPHERD
Breeding - sheep Kennel - dogs BORDER COLLIE, BELGIAN SHEPHERD
Chovatelská stanice - FARAONSKÝ PES
Věnujeme se především okrasnému zahradnictví a tvorbě okrasných zahrad. Pěstujeme jehličnaté i listnaté dřeviny, skalničky, hajní rostliny - chladnomilné orchideje, cibuloviny, vodní i bahenní rostliny, okrasné traviny. Prodáváme a pěstujeme vánoční stromky.
Prodej - akvarijní ryby - akvaristické potřeby - chovatelské potřeby - krmiva - barvy, laky. tmely - keramika, umělé květiny
Specialized gardening. sale: -cacti, succulents. - frost-resistant palm trees. -yucca, agave.
Civic Association Breeding station specialized in raptors and owls Environmental education programs for schools
Production - metal parts for the automotive industry - container trucks - gates also for stables - gates - advertising stands - laundry carts - sales stands - wire products - wood carts for fireplaces and stoves - bicycle racks and baskets - equipment for golf courses - windows for stables Trading in agricultural commodities.
Chovatelská stanice
Sale Scent fences Pacholek professional game repeller Plastic crates for fruit and vegetables Plastic crates for meat and for the meat industry Plastic crates for bakers and confectioners Euro crates, pallets and boxes Household necessities Eshop online Production Firewood Agricultural production Production and sale of fast-growing trees Japanese poplar
Breeding: -sheep, goats. -a bee. Sale: -Lamb meat. -copper. Sale: -children's mucus extractor.
Equestrian club, section - breeding, training of horses
Kennel: - a dog of the Leonberger breed.
Riding stable. Kennel: -Dane
Equestrian club, training, breeding - horses