Ing. Stanislav Němec
Rostlinná výroba - ozimá pšenice - sladovnický ječmen - technické plodiny řepka, cukrovka, mák
Rostlinná výroba - ozimá pšenice - sladovnický ječmen - technické plodiny řepka, cukrovka, mák
Výroba - úlyprodej - včelařské potřeby Chov - včely
Breeding, sale: - snakes, snakes.
Offer: breeding and sale of live baits and lures, especially Dendrobaena Veneto earthworm breeding and meat worm breeding
Activity: - fruit nursery E-shop: - fruit trees, saplings - currants, gooseberries, raspberries - blackberries, strawberries - cranberries.
Nátěry fasád Rizikové kácení stromů Montáž - hromosvody Opravy a demolice - komíny Instalace - reklamy (výškové práce) Výškové práce - čištění fasád - odstaňování sněhu - mytí oken Výškové práce za použití horolezecké techniky Rekonstrukce - střechy
Cottages and associated facility - social background - common room - accommodation in nature - possibility of school trips - activities with horses Engineering office Project Office - water and water management structures Kennel Horse-breeding - activities with horses - rides sale - supplies for horses
Výcvik - psi Prodej - přírodní granule - konzervy - pamlskyporadenství - v oblasti výživy psa - v oblasti soužití se psem
Prodej - tabákové výrobky Prodej - průmyslové zboží - domácí potřeby Prodej - noviny a časopisy - tiskoviny Prodej - květiny Prodej - krmiva pro zvířata
Services: - agricultural production - sowing of cereals, oilseeds and legumes - conditions - consulting.
Sale of seeds and plants. Seeds: - conifers - deciduous trees - flowers, rock gardens, herbs. Plants: - conifers - deciduous trees - water plants - fruit trees - strawberry, raspberry ... and more.
Forestry work: - logging - approaching, balancing wood - removal and sale of wood - cultivation activities - eradication of invasive plant species - activity of a professional forest manager.
Horseback riding - riding training
Forestry, forestry activities: - planting of forest stands - care of trees, crops - forest property management - professional consulting - supplies of firewood
Livestock production, breeding: -meat cattle
Complete services in the field of racing horse training. We focus on obstacle and flat horses, from annual foals to older experienced racers.
Kennel: - English bull terrier Dog School: - dog training
Haulage - soils, rubble, bulk materials, agricultural commodities Winter and summer maintenance of roads - sweeping of roads, buildings, areas Agricultural services - spreading materials on the land, mowing, mulching, turning and raking hay Tank transport - transport of slurry, digestate and wastewater, application of materials to land