
Are you looking for accommodation? You can choose from lots of luxury and budget hotels, guesthouses and hostels. You can choose hotels with breakfast, half board or full board. Hotels are located throughout the Czech republic and offers you a stable background on the go.

Hotel Nežárka - Miroslav Procházka

Hotel Nežárka offers comfortable and quiet accommodation in the middle of nature, located in South Bohemia between Třeboň and Jindřichův Hradec. The hotel has been completely renovated and has a nice courtyard with a fountain. You can stay with us in comfortably furnished rooms or apartments, of course there is a charming view of the surrounding forests. The hotel is also suitable for corporate…

Plesnivý masáže s.r.o.

Služby: - ubytování se snídaní - dvě samotné restaurace (kuřácká a nekuřácká) - v kongresovém křídle naleznete kongresový sál s kapacitou 60 míst a salonek s kapacitou 30 míst a dále malý salonek s kapacitou 15 míst - svatební a smuteční hostiny, rauty, promoce - školení, semináře, outdoorové aktivity - firemní akce - minigolf, vnitřní bazén, sauna, solárium, whirlpool

Hotel Mrkáček

Hotel: -accommodation in modern and purposefully furnished rooms with complete sanitary facilities, television, telephone and free internet connection - the capacity of the hotel is 30 people -restaurant -tennis hall, outdoor tennis courts, bowling, sauna, and Whirlpool pool, fitness center, massages, billiards, beach volleyball and netball - congress hall with a capacity of…

Mgr.Marie Jáhnová

We offer personally verified hotels, guesthouses, cottages and cottages for accommodation and family vacations in South Bohemia in Šumava, Lipno, Orlík and other recreational areas of the Czech Republic. The offer also includes mountain hotels, guesthouses, cottages and cottages for winter stays. Orders online.

Hotel City Písek

Hotel City is located in the center of the royal city of Písek and is the only hotel on the square - South Bohemia. The hotel offers quality accommodation in a newly opened hotel with standard and above-standard equipment. There is free WI-FI internet connection in the hotel. In the hotel you will find a restaurant and a cafe bar. In the summer months, we serve breakfast at the hotel on the…


Každý den slevy 50% a více. Nenechte si ujít každodenní slevy. Dostaňte slevu na věci, které běžně užíváte či děláte. Slevy na ubytování či jídlo v luxusních hotelech či restauracích.


V rámci relaxační a regenerační péče jsme ve svém komplexním přístupu zcela ojedinělý projekt v péči o zdraví a krásu. Lázeňské centrum se pyšní nejen luxusním 5-ti hvězdičkovým hotelem, ale také veškerým komfortem Fitness, Wellness & Balneo služeb, které by mělo moderní wellness centrum nabízet. Můžete se tedy sami přesvědčit, že naše lázeňské centrum na Hluboké nabízí jedinečnou nabídku…