
Are you looking for accommodation? You can choose from lots of luxury and budget hotels, guesthouses and hostels. You can choose hotels with breakfast, half board or full board. Hotels are located throughout the Czech republic and offers you a stable background on the go.

Horský hotel Dobrá chata - HM Management s.r.o.

The family hotel Dobrá chata, operated by HM Management s.r.o., is an ideal place to spend a family holiday, corporate and sports events or schools in nature in the beautiful countryside of Šumava. Our hotel has been a popular place for pleasant year-round recreation in Šumava for 80 years. Hotel, accommodation, services: - total capacity 54 people - 14 rooms of different sizes and with…

Hotel Kostínek

Hotel, ubytování: -52 lůžek -dvoulůžkové a třílůžkové pokoje -restaurace a nápojový bar s volnou terasou -vzdělávací středisko 2 učebny vybavené technikou vhodné pro školení, kurzy, semináře -sportovní zařízení -posilovna -sauna -herna.