Elite Solutions, s.r.o.

Mikulasska 5, Bratislava - mestska cast Stare Mesto 811 01

  • non-bank mortgages, property-secured loans, property valuation, loan consolidations, auction pay offs, execution pay offs
  • computer services, programming services, installation of operating systems, data backup, recovery of lost data, PC system speed up, replacement of computer components
  • defining of business goals, strategic solutions, company productivity increase, planning procedures, IT efficient use
  • research activity, research project implementation, field research, development laboratories
  • video studio, video technology, video recordings to order, production of promo films, shooting of a documentary
  • billboard rent, marketing campaign organisation, brand building, marketing surveys
  • other consumer goods, kitchen accessories, bathroom accessories, living room accessories
  • server rental, web space provider, website location, domain registration

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