Transport, Transportation

Take advantage of road, rail, shipping or air transport. Please inform yourself about the current situation on Czech roads and highways, about the possibilities of traffic jams, closures and detours. Find timetables and information about delays of trains or buses.

VLADVI s.r.o. - OneTwoGo

Autopujčovna OneTwoGo v Praze nabizi krátkodobé a dlouhodobé půjčení aut. Půjčení auta je možné na pul dne, celý den, včetně víkendů a svátků. Staří aut není více jak tři roky. Ostatní služby: - výlety autem po celé ČR a zahraničí - vip taxi služba - svatební kolony - letištní transfery - vip doprava osob - vypůjčení auta s řidičem - dovoz aut na objednávku - vyhlídkové…

SCHENKER spol.s r.o.

SCHENKER company provides international flow of goods among manufacturing and trade subjects worldwide and in the Czech Republic. In Europe land transport and worldwide air and sea freight. Schenker is one of the leading international providers of integrated logistics and global forwarding services. INTERNATIONAL GROUPAGE SERVICE -regular departures according to the fixed time-table -door…

KUSED s.r.o.

The company KUSED s.r.o. provides services in the field of trucking, as well as earthworks and crane work. Furthermore, our company focuses on the sale, service or rental of tools and construction machinery. In our wide range you will find drills, grinders, vibratory plates, sludge pumps or mixers. We are located at Jateční 192/32, Ústí nad Labem. Services, work: - trucking - construction…

CEDES Logistik s.r.o.

Comprehensive logistics services and outsourcing. Specializing in logistics of drugs and medical supplies. Services - warehousing and logistics - outsourcing - transport, forwarding - collection service - Customs declaration Storage: CEDES Logistik has warehouses with an area of 15,000 m2 located in Modletice and a warehouse with an area of approximately 700 m2 in Olomouc.

V.H. TRANS - CZ s.r.o.

Hlavním oborem podnikání je mezinárodní kamionová doprava. Specializujeme se převážně na země jižní a východní Evropy. Mzinárodní přepravu provádíme převážne mezi Maďarskem a Německem, Nizozemskem, Belgií, Dánskem, Českou Republikou a Chorvatskem, Slovinskem, Rumunskem, Slovenskem, Litvou, Lotyšskem, Estonskem, Polskem, Velkou Británií, Francií, a okrajově i ostatními Evropskými státy. …

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines

KLM Royal Dutch Airlines was established in 1919. In 2004, KLM together with Air France have created European largest airline group that carries 66,3 million passengers a year, owns more than 550 aircrafts, operates more than 1300 flights a day to 225 destinations worldwide. KLM provides connection by air from Prague via transit airport in Amsterdam - Schiphol, 4th largest airport in Europe. …

Michael MUSIL

Wholesale, retail, specialized retail, e-shop, e-shop, i-shop, ishop, sale of building chemicals, pool and pond chemicals, household chemicals and cleaners, foams, sealants, silicones, adhesives, additives, AdBlue, DRYZONE specialized material for waterproofing and road repair program Road transport of passengers and goods Storage services, complete pool service

A+A RENAX, s.r.o.

Moving Brno - domestic and abroad. -all of all kinds (households, companies, offices, schools, etc.) -heavy loads (heavy bunch) (workshop machines, safes, pianos, ATMs, etc.) -volume orders (even multi-exchanges) -cleaning of premises with waste disposal (liquidation of the estate, clearing of cellars, soils, etc.) -moving machines, heavy loads Road transport by box trucks…

ATYKO, spol. s r.o.

Conveyor systems for dispatch and production. Production, sale, assembly, service, repair: -conveyor systems -roller and belt conveyors (driven and dead) -conveyor tracks integrated of pneumatic brakes, shifters, lift bridges -accessories, complements (box strapping machines, lift-PATER NOSTER), balance/scales -trucks, crates -moving stair. Metalwork: -metal staircase -fences, doors,…


International road haulage, freight traffic/haul/truckage (provision of transport to all the states in Europe). Inland road haulage. Export - transport of furniture to the Western Europe (box semi-trailers). Forwarding. Logistics. Transport-transportation. Motor transport: -tel.: +420-548122333 (German speaking countries) -tel.: +420-548122329, division manager: Mrs Trnkova Katerina …