Industrial constructions

You need to build an industrial object? A professional company can ensure the construction of production halls, factories, energy centres, petrol stations, technological structures, construction of engineering networks, water pipes, sewer connections and the like.

Projekce PSB, a.s.

Design, engineering, realization: -design and engineering activities for construction energy investment units in the Czech Republic and abroad -industrial (power plants, biostations), engineering, building construction -new buildings, civic buildings -realization of construction technical surveys and diagnostics of materials. The company is self-sufficient in parts: -building…

AGIR - Steel, s.r.o.

Project activity, construction, assembly, turnkey deliveries, engineering: - equipment technology for the stone industry, new buildings and reconstruction - steel, technological constructions -conveyors, containers -calculations of statics and dynamics of building structures -belt conveyors (mobile, stationary, modular) - floor plan curved belt conveyors - long-distance belt…


Stavební, montážní firma: -gabionové zdi, drátěné konstrukce jsou opatřeny ochranným povlakem ze směsi zinku a hliníku a jsou vyplněné většinou lomovým nebo přírodním kamenem, zeminou či recyklátem -inženýrské, občanské stavby -zemní, demoliční práce.

ERDING, a.s.

Construction activity, preparation, projection, realization: -ground construction -buildings thermal energy -buildings of industrial, administrative and civic amenities incl. their technical equipment. Sale: -pre-insulated pipes. Operation of heat sources.

LOBSTAV, spol. s r.o.

Construction company, (activity, area of heavy assembly), projection, statics, pre-project preparations, preparation of production and assembly documentation: - prefabricated reinforced concrete structures -assembled LOB skeleton - rationalization of the supporting structure - delivery of reinforced concrete prefabricated structures from project to heavy assembly. Production of…

ZIPP Brno s.r.o.

Construction company Zipp s.r.o. Brno is engaged in designing and statics of reinforced concrete structures, turnkey construction of buildings, providing transport services such as oversize transport and oversize transport, rental of mobile cranes and assembly work platforms. We have been operating on the market since 1994. Our clients are both foreign and domestic entities. The company…

VS-build, s.r.o.

The company holds the ISO 9001: 2009, 14001: 2005 certificate Construction company within the Czech Republic: -new housing, civil and industrial construction, apartment buildings -ground construction -reconstruction, modernization incl. thermal insulation of the building -construction of engineering networks (engineering networks). Transport and earthworks (container transport) rubble,…

VS-top, s.r.o.

Engineering activity in investment construction. Construction and reconstruction of heating sources up to 10 MW: - gas boilers, solid fuel, wood chips, biomass, heat exchanger stations, solar heating, heat pumps. Reconstruction of internal DHW, ZTI and gas distribution systems in buildings, including revision. New realizations of central heating, health technology and gas pipelines. Sale: -…

BÁRTA stavební, s.r.o.

Construction company, focusing on building construction, new buildings including their changes, reconstruction, maintenance work, removal of buildings, complex construction incl. consultancy - project activity in construction, cooperation with architects - settlement of formalities for territorial management -building permit including arguments for starting construction -expressions. …

SUNBAU s.r.o.

Land and industrial construction: -Construction, alteration and removal - engineering activity in investment construction. Construction work: - carpentry -iron - concrete -masonry. Intermediation of trade and services.

STAKK s.r.o.

Construction: -delivery of turnkey constructions -wooden buildings -plaster constructions of the KNAUF system -Ceiling ceilings -VELUX roof windows -Thermal insulation -insulation facades and repairs of existing facades -security of our realized constructions discussion of all legislative requirements -engineering and investment activities -RINGER scaffolding rental -transport.


Kompletní stavební činnost, dodávky na klíč: -novostavby i rekonstrukce -stavby průmyslové, občanské, bytové -výrobní a skladové haly -restaurace, bary, penziony, diskotéky -rodinné domy, půdní vestavby, nadstavby -sádrokartonové vestavby - KNAUF, RIGIPS, LAFARGE včetně podhledů -stavebně zámečnické práce, ocelové konstrukce, fasádní stěny -zateplení fasád a střech pro…

MMB Consulting s.r.o.

The company holds the ISO 9001: 2009 quality certificate. Building constructions (also catalog of typical family houses), industrial, transport, water management: -construction of turnkey buildings, new buildings, reconstruction, consulting in the field -demolition, including disposal of rubble and waste -construction work, tiling, paving -plaster work, partitions -technical infrastructure…

Figarostav s.r.o.

The company holds the ČNS EN ISO 9001: 2001 certificate Building construction, turnkey deliveries: -new buildings, family houses, buildings for industrial use and construction of civic amenities -soil built-ins -plastering work -reconstruction of buildings -photodocumentation of the construction process of the work until its delivery to the owner. Services: -provision of truck…

STAVIT, s.r.o.

Land construction, industrial construction, turnkey deliveries. New buildings, reconstruction, demolition, engineering, assembly work, construction coordination, construction supervision, technical supervision. Buildings: -land, civil and industrial -residential, non-residential, manufacturing, non-manufacturing, family houses -rough constructions, sub-parts and turnkey, building…

BORGA, s.r.o.

Production, delivery, assembly, sale: -agricultural halls (barns, cowsheds, cattle stables) -industrial halls (production plants, warehouses) -sports halls (tennis halls, riding halls) -roof and hall systems -Swedish roofing BORGA (made of hot-dip galvanized steel) -facade roofing -water drip system (eaves) -light beams (profiles Z and C) -prefabricated steel halls -connectors…

EMBRA s.r.o.

Provozovna a administrativní budovy: Česká 184, 664 31 Provádíme: -bytové stavby -bytové domy -rodinné domy -realizace projektu od zpracování investičního záměru přes samotnou realizaci, podpis smluv s budoucími majiteli až po předání bytů a rodinných domů do osobního vlastnictví. Průmyslové stavby: -výrobní haly -skladovací areály -rekonstrukce výrobních provozů ČOV a jiné. …


TLAK SMOLÍK s.r.o. Construction company Břeclav. performs construction activities, construction works: -civil, industrial, residential - turnkey constructions - construction of family houses, family houses -ground and excavation work -micro-pressures under roads, watercourses, buildings-microtunneling, (purees) -recycling of building rubble -waste -disposition of building rubble …

Reality servis Kyjov, spol.s r.o

Stavební společnost: -realizace staveb RD** na klíč i subdodavatelsky -realizace staveb průmyslových hal* a objektů tel:608782770 -realizace hydroizolací střešních plášťů izolacemi SIKAPLAN včetně zateplení tel:777682770 -půjčování stavebních strojů a nářadí -půjčování HAKI lešení - 1000m2 tel:777291199 -zemní práce nakladači UNC* 060 a CATERPILLAR 426 -práce…

CIPRYS s.r.o. - Stavební firma

Construction company: - turnkey family houses -reconstruction -Hall Services: -projection -3D visualization -construction supervision turnkey constructions - civil and industrial construction of family houses reconstruction and adaptation attic installations plasterboard constructions facade insulation individual construction work wiring and lightning conductors, cable…

Ing. Jiří Ciprys

Construction work, projection, construction, masonry work, execution, removal of buildings, construction, demolition work. Construction production: -turnkey constructions of civil and industrial buildings -buildings, construction of family houses, family houses, RD -passive houses - reconstruction and adaptation -soil constructions -plasterboard structures - facade insulation, facade …