Energy 21, a.s.
Alternative energy -solar parks
Alternative energy -solar parks
Sales and service - ships - marine engines - accessories Sales and service - wind power plant
A construction company focusing on houses for living. We focus on jobs: - complete construction supplies - low-energy buildings - reconstruction of land structures - industrial construction
Distribution: - electrical energy Projection: - photovoltaic systems
Construction, construction, production, assembly: - wooden buildings - low-energy buildings
Production, sale: - pellets Projection, installation: - Solar Panels Construction: - photovoltaic power plants Delivery, installation: - pellet production lines
Construction, design: -wind power plant.
Building company - architectural designs - turnkey family houses throughout the Czech Republic - energy-saving houses - apartment construction
Production - wooden, plastic windows - windows Production - winter gardens Construction - Lowenergy houses
ENERGY ELMAX s.r.o. se zaměřuje na oblast fotovoltaických elektráren a tepelných čerpadel.
Delivery - production line of JUNG switches - electrical installation material - switchboard technology Intelligent electrical installation KNX / EIB - consulting - pre-project activity - elaboration of implementation projects Intelligent electrical installation KNX / EIB - supply and installation of the KNX / EIB system - software -…
Projection and consulting: - water management - wastewater treatment plant - sewerage - water pipes - fish crossings - ponds - small hydropower plants.
Realization - solar systems for the production of electricity
Sales, assembly, warranty and post-warranty service: - solar equipment, solar systems, solar collectors - heat pumps - heating equipment - air conditioning: - VRV systems - split - wall, multisplit - cassette - under-ceiling - parapet - channel - window - mobile - ventilation system - water supply equipment.
Design, construction, operation: -wind power plants, wind parks. -biogas stations.
Crafts, services - insulation of facades and attics - construction of passive, low-energy houses - installation of solar systems - heat recovery, hot air heating Sales, assembly - plastic windows - blinds, blinds, windowsills
Work, crafts: -insulating - plasterboard Construction, construction: -low-energy and passive EKORD houses
Firma MP verband s.r.o. podniká v oblasti elektromontáží a elektroinstalací. Specializujeme se na fotovoltaické elektrárny a komplexní elektroinstalace.
Společnost SIMPLY fotovoltaika s.r.o. zajišťuje fotovoltaiku na klíč s vyřízením dotace.
Společnost SEVT-MONT s.r.o. je firma specializující se na elektroinstalační práce a fotovoltaiku.
Specialista na solární systémy. Solární termický systém ohřevu vody
FINEJ WOOD s.r.o. je stavení společnost se zaměřením na nízkoenergetické stavby, pasivní a rodinné domy.
Firma se specializuje na dodávku tepelných čerpadel. Realizuje fotovoltaické elektrárny na klíč.
Instalace fotovoltaických elektráren na klíč. Instalace tepelných čerpadel, FVE pro rodinné domy i firmy. FVE pro seniory.