Ecological constructions

Ecological construction include the construction of green, or passive houses, the construction of corporate buildings, private buildings, or need to chat. Environmentally, therefore, with regard to the nature and on the wallet can be in today's build almost any object.

HL system, s.r.o.

Delivery - production line of JUNG switches - electrical installation material - switchboard technology Intelligent electrical installation KNX / EIB - consulting - pre-project activity - elaboration of implementation projects Intelligent electrical installation KNX / EIB - supply and installation of the KNX / EIB system - software -…


Sales, assembly, warranty and post-warranty service: - solar equipment, solar systems, solar collectors - heat pumps - heating equipment - air conditioning: - VRV systems - split - wall, multisplit - cassette - under-ceiling - parapet - channel - window - mobile - ventilation system - water supply equipment.