
The stone is a modern ornamental accessory, but also a popular building material. Between decorative aggregates include marble, limestone, granite, kvarcit, slate and many more. The most commonly used building materials of stone is on the contrary, gravel, stone chippings and sand.

NATRIX Kamenolom Bzová, a.s.

The Bzová quarry is the best sandstone in Moravia. Our company focuses on the extraction, production and sale of construction, decorative and crushed stone of the highest quality. In our assortment you will find chipped stone, hackle, solitaires, stepping stones, steps, stone for dry walls, garden ponds, rockeries, regulating stone, stone blocks, stones suitable for building garden steps,…

Kamenex, s.r.o.

PRODEJ, REALIZACE - štípaný a lámaný přírodní kámen v nepravidelných tvarech, vhodný na dlažby a obklady - kámen dodáváme též velkoobchodně do specializovaných prodejen, zahradních center, stavebnin a stavebním firmám - provádíme realizace zakázek vč. zemních prací SORTIMENT: RULA ŽLUTÁ RULA MODRÁ PÍSKOVEC ŽLUTÝ METAKVARCIT ŠTÍPANÝ MRAMOR KVARCIT ZLATÝ KVARCIT HNÉDÝ KRASOVÉ…

Správa a údržba silnic Kroměřížska, s.r.o.

Road management and maintenance The Kroměříž region is a trading company. For customers from the Zlín Region, a sales warehouse is open year round, where sand, aggregates, road salt, mulch, substrates, soil and other materials are available for sale. The sales warehouse is located in the company premises, at Kroměříž - Kotojedy 56.   SÚS Kroměřížsko is primarily a maintenance organization, the…

LADYSS - Ladislav Červenka

Comprehensive delivery and installation of roofing systems: -plumbing work: -folded roofs (titanium zinc, copper, aluminum, zinc, PVC*, sheets) -roofing work: - hard coverings - bags - shingles -cardboards -carpentry work: - installation and reconstruction of roofs.

TAŠ-STAPPA beton, spol. s r.o.

Concrete plant with the largest capacity in Zlín. We produce concrete mixtures for civil, industrial, line construction. We will deliver the concrete, pump it over, issue a declaration of conformity. Our customers are large construction companies as well as small builders, do-it-yourselfers. We offer consulting services. Construction site inspection. Concrete tests. Own laboratory…