Výroba, prodej: -cenovky a cenovkové lišty -cenové štítky, informační štítky -ochranná pouzdra -reklamní (informační) stojany -plakátové rámy -děliče regálů -tvarované výrobky dle požadavků -úchyty, spoje -držáky na prospekty.
Výroba, prodej: -cenovky a cenovkové lišty -cenové štítky, informační štítky -ochranná pouzdra -reklamní (informační) stojany -plakátové rámy -děliče regálů -tvarované výrobky dle požadavků -úchyty, spoje -držáky na prospekty.
Sales, wholesale, eshop: It supplies a full range of devices for barcode scanning and mobile data collection. We are a direct distributor of the world's largest manufacturers of identification technology such as HONEYWELL Datamax, ZEBRA, MICROSCAN, AXICON, DATALOGIC, CODE, CARL VALENTIN and / or UNITECH. Ware: -labeles and textile tapes -coloring tapes -camera systems, illuminators -bar…
Commercial scales Gastronomic scales Scales for the meat industry Postal scales Goldsmith's scales Stock scales Laboratory scales etc. Calibration and verification of scales
Mr. Martin Mikulaj from Vsetín offers sales, assembly and service of mechanical and electronic scales and cutting machines. As part of our activity, we carry out revisions, calibration of scales, weighing and cash register systems and prepare calibration sheets for measuring devices. We also deal with the exchange, sale and grading of weights and repairs of cutting machines. Offered…
Sales, installation, service: - EET box office. Design, maintenance Facility management. Management and maintenance of buildings and property.
Delivery of complete cash registers throughout the Czech Republic. We also provide professional consultations and service is a matter of course. We supply cash register systems with high-quality hardware even for demanding operations.
Refrigeration and air conditioning technology, we provide design, sale and installation: - boxes, cold rooms, freezers - air conditioning - heat pumps - transport cooling - ice makers - store equipment.
Sale - cash registers and cash register systems - parking systems.
Services: - invoicing, cash registers - stock records - Internet installation
Services: - Internet connection Sales, repair, service: - computers - computing - electronic treasures
Ing. Jaroslav Krejčí se zaměřuje na dodávku a prodej vybavení pro potravinářské prodejny a gastronomické provozy.
Wholesale, e-shop: - cash register systems - electrical installation material - light fixtures.
Sales, service: - scales. Calibration of scales, including preparation of calibration sheets.
Sales, service: - cash registers - cash register systems - digital scales - camera systems. Service: - Jiráskova 4 Opava.
- shop - televisions - cameras - digital cameras E-shop - cash register systems - telephones - hardware (laptops, keyboards, monitors, ...) - telephones - cash register systems - cameras - televisions - digital cameras, ... - hardware laptops, keyboards, monitors
Výroba a montáž - mříže Výroba a montáž - vrata Výroba a montáž - regály Výroba a montáž - zábradlí - ploty Výroba a montáž - zámečnické výrobky
Sales, service: - electronic cash registers.
Prodej a montáž - vážící zařízení Opravy, servis a kalibrace - važící zařízení
Sales, service: - computers - computing - e-bikes - EET cash register - printers, copiers.
Sales, service, repairs, e-shop - copying technique - computer technology, laptops, computers, projectors - printers - faxes - cash registers - shredders
Doprava - mezinárodní a vnitrostátní - do 26t Dodávka - technické plyny Dodávka - kapalná a tuhá paliva Dodávka - elektronické vážící systémy
Sales, service, repairs - multifunctional office machines - printers - faxes - copy machines - shredding machines - typewriters - cash registers -consumable office supplies toners, inks, paper Services - copying
Mrs. Drahomíra Vrzalová, based in Sokolov, offers office equipment, packaging material and consumer equipment. We also sell cash registers. All at good prices. We also provide their service. Sale of office equipment and consumables and packaging material. Sales and service of cash registers. Our services - sales: - packaging material - office equipment - cash registers - packaging…
Sales, e-shop - computing - computers, laptops, tablets - Mobile Phones - cash register systems - copiers, printers - cameras, cameras