Laboratory equipment

Laboratory technique allows heating and cooling of mixtures and solutions, dosing of liquids, mechanical operation, sterilization, and precise measurements thanks to a calibrated measuring instruments. Get therefore to his laboratory refrigerator, spa, birety, dispensers, scales and more.

ELAS Brno, v.o.s.

Sale: - devices, aids for the needs of the police -components for forensics: -manual latent print developer - dactyloscopic devices - search mirrors - plastic numbers -a suitcase with numbers -photographic scales -case for scent traces -trasology suitcase -filters - daktyvak + washing machine - elatest -elavak+extension for collecting micro traces -…

HVM PLASMA spol. s r.o.

HVM PLASMA, spol. s.r.o. works in the field of PVD (Physical Vapor Deposition) technology and equipment. The main program consists of the development, construction and production of key components of industrial and laboratory coating equipment, namely for magnetron sputtering and arc evaporation. Custom coating using these methods in two centers (in Prague and Brno) and the development of our…

PRECIA CZ, s.r.o.

Industrial scales by PRECIA MOLEN (France). Member of the Union of Scale Manufacturers of the Czech Republic. Sale: - scales from 0.001g to 100 tons -weighing systems - complete scales - compact scales - bridge scales -laboratory scales -counting scales - platform scales -run-in scales - pallet scales - road scales - belt scales - continuous scales -weighers to check…

Erba Lachema s.r.o.

The supplier Erba Lachema s.r.o. is engaged in the development, production of medical in-vitro diagnostic devices and devices intended for urinary, biochemical, immunological and hematological analysis. In our production program you will find analyzers for use in laboratories, general practitioners and specialists, as well as kits designed directly for patients. Urine analysis, urine analysis:…

UTILCELL, s.r.o.

Our company was founded in 1994 and we are a supplier of tensometric load cells, additional accessories and elements for companies that specialize in the production, development and application of weighing systems. You can rely on our fast deliveries, quality products and a responsible attitude. We offer: - tensometric load cells of capacities from 2 kg to 200 t, the UTILCELL brand -…

FINOZ, spol.s r.o.

Installation of electric floor heating. Construction of photovoltaic power plants on a turnkey basis, including provision of complete administration. Sale of soldering and sealing products for heating engineers, plumbers, gas workers, tinsmiths, electrical engineers and artistic fields. Production of laboratory and dental devices for precise heating of liquids..

Bohumil Hrodek

Dodávka a prodej: - laboratorní sklo, laboratorní porcelán, skleněné aparatury, destilační přístroje,laboratorní pomůcky - detekční trubičky - filtrační papír Filpap, Whatman Filtrak, Schleicher-Schuell - laboratorní nádobí PE, dávkovače, digitální byrety od firmy BRAND - laboratorní nábytek - laboratorní přístroje firmy sklárny Kavalier - výrobky firem Lachema, Merk, J.T.Baker,…

PULSKLIMA, spol. s r.o.

Turnkey deliveries, reconstruction, modification, construction: A CLEAN ROOM is a set of rooms with defined environmental treatment against mechanical microbial contamination. These rooms are used in such a way as to reduce the entry, formation or persistence of contaminants inside the room. Systems for the installation of Cleanrooms enabling the variable installation of the necessary…

VAMONT U&D, v.o.s.

Nabízíme výrobky firem: - VAMONT, JADEVER, PRECIA MOLEN, DIGI, KERN, HBM, BIZERBA, LESÁK A ZEMAN, SCHENCK Výroba, prodej, servis: - obchodní váhy - průmyslové digitální váhy - průmyslové mechanické váhy - počítací váhy - kombinované, stolní váhy - jeřábové a závěsné váhy - přesné a laboratorní váhy - osobní a zdravotnické váhy - váhy vyráběné na přání zákazníka ( vysuté, dávkovací…

Technosklo s.r.o.

Výroba,export: -laboratorní sklo: -nálevky,odvažovačky,kádinky,zkumavky, míchací tyčinky,pipety,byrety, automatické byrety,chladiče,dávkovač, destilační přístroj apod. -technické sklo: -hustoměry,přesně tvarované trubičky do textilních strojů,odměrné válce, odsávačky mateřského mléka apod. -lustrové komponenty -dekorativní sklo.

LAVAT a.s.

Výroba, prodej: -vakuová zařízení, komponenty. -vývěvy: membránové, rotační olejové, difuzní. -vakuové ventily. -vakuové aparatury. -měření vakua: -vakuometry mechanické. -vakuometr PIRANI. -laboratorní přístroje: -topné hnízdo.