Equipment for companies

Equipment for the company includes not only metal and wooden furniture the type of working tables, office chairs and cabinets, but also electronics and office equipment, among which you must not miss computers, printers, phones, faxes or walking systems.

HFH strojní, s.r.o.

Engineering. Custom production of cantilever rack parts. Production and assembly: - steel constructions - masts - ramps - railings - steel gates, doors, gates - fence. Production of steel parts of buildings, stairs, partitions. Production of pallets. Punching of flanges of IPE 160 – 330 profiles for shelving systems Surface treatment - painting, galvanizing, komaxit.

SASKOV s.r.o.

Work: -crane work, work with a truck crane - welding, metal welding - locksmith, locksmith - metalworking - turning, metal milling - construction. Production: - electric tricycles - pressure vessels. Repairs: - pressure vessels.


Production: - bridge cranes group A *** - swivel arms, gantry cranes, suspension devices (part of lifting equipment) - steel constructions - production of suspension devices-rockers - sheet metal cutting-CNC plasma cutting and gas up to a thickness of 150 mm - carrying out a special assessment for lifting equipment. Reconstruction: - cranes. Rectification: - crane tracks. …

K-PROTOS, a.s.

The company K-PROTOS, a.s. focuses on the production, installation and servicing of equipment for the chemical, petrochemical, food and energy industries. We provide a comprehensive supply of pressure equipment from design through production, assembly, maintenance to subsequent service. We are based in the town of Kralupy nad Vltavou, our plants can be found in Neratovice and Kolín. Mechanical…

Václav Kaizr - Kovovýroba

Rodinná firma Václav Kaizr se sídlem v Kladně se již od roku 1990 zabývá činností v oblasti kovovýroby. V rámci našich služeb se specializujeme především na výrobu a montáž ocelových konstrukcí, zámečnické práce, klempířské práce, umělecké kovářství a prodej vlastních výrobků. Současně se zabýváme také prodejem hutního materiálu. Jsme držiteli certifikátu ČSN EN 1090-1 a také naši pracovníci,…