Equipment for companies

Equipment for the company includes not only metal and wooden furniture the type of working tables, office chairs and cabinets, but also electronics and office equipment, among which you must not miss computers, printers, phones, faxes or walking systems.

PPFOL - Pavel Pour

Pavel Pour - PPFOL offers packaging films from Clarus Films GmbH. Clarus is currently one of the largest European suppliers of packaging films for food and non-food purposes. The main material is polyolefinic heat shrink films and BOPP films. Syfan, the world's leading producer of polyolefin films, is the exclusive distributor for most European countries. Sytec foil from Syfan is a TOP…

Builders Storage s.r.o.

Builders-Storage offers a wide range of professional assembly and construction work, especially in the field of shelving systems and various warehouse and logistics elements. Work, services: - high-rise - assembly of shelving systems - sale of ESNOVA shelving systems - control and revision of warehouses. After years of experience, we can now offer many services and installation of…

Ing. Michael Bernard

Mr. Ing. Michael Bernard provides comprehensive services in the field of occupational health and safety (OSH) and fire protection (PO). It offers the services of an OSH coordinator on the construction site and a revision technician for stable pressure vessels. Services: - health and safety at work - fire protection - health and safety coordinator - pressure vessel inspection technician…

PILA Petrov KN s.r.o.

PILA Petrov KN s.r.o. has a wide variety of activities. It produces and sells wood, firewood, buys and sells wood pulp, solid fuels and heating oils. He carries out carpentry and joinery work: doors, stairs, chairs, built-in wardrobes, kitchens, office furniture, garden houses, pergolas, sheds, garage spaces, windows, doors, fences, furniture, home accessories, chairs, built-in wardrobes,…

Truhlářství Vitaliy Markhyvka

Joinery company Vitaliy Markhyvka, based in the village of Chrást nad Sázavou in the Benešov district, deals with custom carpentry production. Part of our activity is the production of kitchen units, staircases, doors, office furniture, solid wood furniture, but also terraces or pergolas from a wide range of materials, including a large number of laminate boards as well as solid wood. We offer…

LIVELO s.r.o.

The Czech company LIVELO deals with the custom production of upholstered furniture for residential interiors, offices, shops, hotels, restaurants and other public spaces. In cooperation with a number of leading Czech designers, we produce original furniture with an emphasis on the quality of workmanship and comfort. At the same time as the production of ordinary seating furniture, we carry…


The company FERSTAR AGRO s.r.o. is engaged in wood production, iron processing and supplies new euro pallets. As we have already mentioned, our activity is mainly focused on the processing of wood, iron and the supply of new euro pallets. We are located in the city of Chrudim at the address Pobřežní 28. In case of any question, do not hesitate to contact us.

Redipack s.r.o. - balicí a dávkovací stroje

We are a manufacturer of complete solutions of automatic and semi-automatic vertical packaging and dosing machines. We are ready to provide you with a complete solution including dosing, packaging, cartoning, robotic solutions, labeling, quality control, metal detection and palletizing. In our portfolio, you will find a vertical packaging machine of a new concept that meets all requirements…

Stanimir Zarkov Siderov

The company Stanimir Zarkov Siderov, based in Prague, deals with metal fabrication to order according to customer requirements. Part of our activity is mainly the production of steel structures, steel railings, wrought iron furniture, wrought iron bars and gates, and others. We also offer cleaning services, such as cleaning of households or non-residential premises.

EVPA s.r.o.

The company EVPA s.r.o. based in the Beroun district, deals with the implementation of turnkey interiors. As part of our activity, we offer you the realization of commercial and office interiors, shopping centers and others. In addition, we are also engaged in the production of custom-made office furniture, built-in and home furniture, including designs. At the same time, we also offer led…

Stock - Trade Industry, s.r.o.

Our company specializes in sales and assortment for industry. Furthermore, we are able to take over some of your construction tasks and, in the form of cooperation, ensure timely completion of the order. So we have a sales division and a cooperation division. We have a network of verified cooperating companies from the ranks of engineering or locksmith companies. our office is at: Praskačka…

Marek Polášek

As part of his services, Mr. Marek Polášek specializes in all locksmith and welding work and metalwork. I perform welding work using the MIG, MAG, TIG method. For example, I offer the production of steel structures, goals, gates and more. I work mainly in the Zlín region. Offered services: - locksmith work - metalwork - steel constructions - welding work (MIG, MAG, TIG method) -…

Kuchyně 4 you s.r.o.

The company Kuchyně 4 you s.r.o. manufactures custom-made kitchen units from visualization to implementation itself. We also design and implement changes to the interiors of apartments and houses. We make custom-made furniture for apartments, houses and offices. Production: - kitchen furniture - kitchen counters - tailor-made furniture - office furniture - seating furniture -…

František Vokál

František Vokál offers locksmith work. As part of my activity, I mainly deal with custom metalwork according to the customer's request. You can contact me with a request for the production of railings, gratings, fences and gates, steel structures and other forged products. You can find me in Říčany, part of Radošovice at Edvarda Beneš Street 187/16.

Engines AP s.r.o.

Our company Engines AP s.r.o. offers a full range of genuine Mopar spare parts and accessories for Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge cars. We deliver almost the entire offered assortment within 4 days of ordering. Regular supply of services throughout the Czech Republic and Slovakia is a matter of course. At the same time, we also offer a complete range of original Mopar oils: - engine oils (5W-20, 5W-30…

Truhlářství Jan Kodym

Truhlářství Jan Kodym se sídlem v okrese Jičín se zabývá veškerými truhlářskými pracemi. V rámci naší činnosti se specializujeme především na návrhy a výrobu kvalitních kuchyní. Dále nabízíme také výrobu vestavěných skříní, kancelářského nábytku, schodů a dalšího vybavení intriérů. Současně prodáváme také dřevo a dřevomateriál. Působíme především v okrese Jičín, popřípadě v celém…

SEA Kolín s.r.o.

Company SEA Kolín s.r.o. focused its activity on thermal energy. We ensure the production, supply and assembly of industrial boilers of first-class quality, long service life and high efficiency. We also provide general repairs of locomotives and general repairs of boilers. Our professional staff will be happy to ensure a problem-free course of the order, quality and quickly completed work for…

Milan Oncirk - Kovovýroba

Kovovýroba Milan Oncirk se sídlem v okrese Tachov se již od roku 2008 zabývá veškerou činností v oblasti kovovýroby především pro automobilový průmysl. V rámci naší činnosti zajišťujeme svařování, broušení, ohýbání, vrtání, kroužení a dělení materiálu včetně montáže již od jednoho kusu. Současně realizujeme také výrobu veškerých atypických prvků. Působíme především v okrese Tachov, popřípadě v…

Roman Borek Autodoprava s.r.o.

Firma Roman Borek Autodoprava s.r.o. se sídlem v okrese Praha - západ nabízí realizaci zemních prací minibagrem (výkopy inženýrských sítí, bazénů, základů, úprava zeminy, terénní úpravy pomocí minibagru, aj.) a pronájem kontejnerů na suť a komunální odpad, včetně odvozu, uložení a likvidace stavebních sutí a odpadu na skládkách. Současně také nabízíme dovoz písku, štěrku, betonu nebo stavebního…

Tomáš Borovka

Hledáte spolehlivého partnera pro vaše stavební projekty? Tomáš Borovka je vaše řešení! Nacházíme se na adrese Ke Břvům 92, Praha, a jsme připraveni poskytnout vám špičkové služby v oblasti prací se stavebními stroji, kontejnerové přepravy, a také zemních, výkopových, jeřábnických a demoličních prací. Náš tým odborníků je vybaven nejmodernější technikou a má bohaté zkušenosti s odvozem i…

Josef Štulík

Naše firma se zabývá kompletní činností v oboru zemních a výkopových prací. Současně nabízíme také pronájem techniky pro úpravu staveniště a odvoz sutí a odpadů všeho druhu a provádíme tahání dřeva traktorem. V rámci nabízených služeb provozujeme také autodopravu a pronájem kontejnerů. Zabýváme se také bouráním a demolicemi staveb a stavebními pracemi.  Působíme především v okrese…

Zemina Plzeň

The company Zemina Plzeň deals with the supply of soil, aggregate, clay and other materials from proven manufacturers and sellers. We provide car transport up to 3.5t, machine rental and disposal of bio-waste and soil. Delivery, sale of materials: - recycled backfill soil - sorted garden soil - lawn soil with sand - coarse unsorted compost - fine industrial compost - lawn substrate profi…

DUMIVA s.r.o.

The company DUMIVA s.r.o. deals with all earth and excavation works. We offer excavating, moving and loading of soil and materials, landscaping, dredging, foundations of family houses, laying interlocking paving, sale and import of soil and other loose materials, rental of containers for clay, rubble and waste. Activity - ground and excavation work - spreading, moving and loading soil and…