Dietary, diabetic foods and food supplements

Dietary supplements can ease the way to the goal. This category includes tea for weight loss, vitamins, probiotics, fiber, healthy sweeteners, goji, dietary fiber and much more. Most of these products is suitable for diabetics thanks to its low sugar content.

Andrea Veselá

"HEALTH FROM CZECH NATURE". OKG Independent Distributor No. 01-005503. Consulting, trade, cash on delivery, by mail: -Czech natural herbal food supplements -help people in the field of health -herbal food supplements from Czech manufacturer OKG -Free advice. Our OKG products help with: -peel -atopic eczema -immunity disorders -inflammation of the trigeminal nerve -diabetes…

Bylinné kapky, s.r.o. - výrobce tinktur z léčivých rostlin

Production, sale: - Tinctures of medicinal plants single species - mixtures of tinctures of medicinal plants - tinctures of medicinal plants in BIO quality - gemmotherapy - tinctures of plant buds - phytoinformation tinctures - pure (100%) essential oils (essential - essential oils) - natural products - medicinal products for health - Eastern medicine - Chinese medicine - Ayurveda -…

Zdravá výživa U Měnínské brány

Maloobchod, prodej: -zdravá výživa -sojové výrobky -kozí produkty -zeleninové, ovocné šťávy -sušené ovoce a ořechy -zeleninové pokojové bylinky -celozrnné pečivo -obiloviny -oleje lisované za studena -luštěniny -bio potraviny -čaje -mořské a sladkovodní řasy -potraviny vhodné pro alergiky na laktozu a lepek -makrobiotické doplňky -odborná literatura.


Amaranth patří mezi pseudoobilniny: -vhodný pro malé děti, sportovce, starší generaci, osoby se zvýšenou hladinou cholesterolu v krvi, celiaky (alergiky na lepek) -upravuje peristaltiku střev (výborná stravitelnost) -obsahuje -kvalitní bílkovina, olej s vysokým zastoupením nenasycených mastných kyselin (jsou důležité pro rozvoj dětí) -kvalitní vláknina, škrob …

LEBO, s.r.o.

We offer: -all basic assortment of drugs, medicines, medicinal products -delivery of special medicines and drugs to order within 24 hours -a wide range of herbal, children's and mixed teas -consulting in the field of homeopathy and their wide range -A comprehensive range of medical supplies and other medical devices to order -additional assortment for infants and toddlers (baby food, baby…

LEBO, s.r.o.

Separate department for dispensing medicines and medical devices (OOVL for short). Dispensing of drugs and medical devices. There are no individually prepared medicines available, ie products specially prepared according to a medical prescription for a specific patient. We focus on professional and free advice, which is a high level. We sell medicinal products, as well as homeopathic…

Milena Meruňková

Zdravá výživa. Léčivé rostliny. Prodej: ceria, hraška, tofu, robi, klaso, mouky, semínka, oleje, sojové omáčky, sojové jogurty, velký výběr čajů, knihy o vegetariánství)

Blanka Urbanová - Studio Blanka

Services: - cosmetic treatment of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté - consulting and sales of quality cosmetic products from the German Janssen cosmetics company. - sale of high-end decorative cosmetics and perfumes - sale of a range of exclusive natural products and food supplements with a significant effect on improving or maintaining your HEALTH - selling products for healthy…

SINAJ s.r.o.

Our pharmacy offers you a complete range of pharmaceutical goods and medical supplies, cosmetics and veterinary medicines. The pharmacy also includes a department of rehabilitation and orthopedic aids. We also have client cards for our customers. You can find the pharmacy on the edge of the pedestrian zone at the intersection of Svitavská and Smetana streets in Blansko. You can learn more on…