Rehabilitation, relaxation and massages

Take a break from everyday worries and experience a classic massage, indian, chinese, lymphatic, chocolate, sports, pregnancy, reflexology, tantric or thai massage. Massage can also have a rehabilitative effect and will help you from health problems.

Mgr.Lenka Rusnoková

M.Sc. LENKA RUSNOKOVÁ is a physiotherapist, she treats: - treatment of acute and chronic pain and limitation of the musculoskeletal system: headaches, back pain, herniated discs, joint pain, joint blockages, muscle overload, adhesion pain, scoliosis, arthrosis; - relaxation and stretching of soft tissues, mobilization of joints - proposal to improve the working environment, work ergonomics; …

Mgr. Dagmar Makajová

Physiotherapy - individual treatment and exercises to eliminate back and joint pain - treatment of urinary incontinence (stress, urgent and mixed) in women - Ostrava concept - treatment of some types of female functional sterility using Ludmila Mojžíšová's method - ultrasound therapy - thermotherapy - heating using heat carriers - kinesiotaping - gluing flexible tapes to affected muscles or…

ADOPE s.r.o.

Společnost ADOPE s.r.o. je síť pečovatelských služeb (Frýdek-Místek, Havířov, Olomouc, Opava, Ostrava a Zlín), která poskytuje komplexní služby zdravotní péče pro všechny věkové skupiny v domácím prostředí klienta. Tato služba je vhodná pro pacienty, kteří potřebují odbornou péči, ale nemusí být hospitalizováni. Společnost ADOPE s.r.o. spolupracuje se všemi zdravotními pojišťovnami a má…