Michal Macek
I specialize in painting rooms, offices and halls in Prague and its surroundings up to 40 km. I am also equipped with spraying technology, thanks to which I am able to realize spray painting in top quality at a reasonable price.
I specialize in painting rooms, offices and halls in Prague and its surroundings up to 40 km. I am also equipped with spraying technology, thanks to which I am able to realize spray painting in top quality at a reasonable price.
Professional painters and interior reconstruction experts in Prague and its surroundings. Our main activities include painting work, varnishing work, plasterboard, floors, tiling, paving, reconstruction of apartments, living walls, murals, cleaning work, reconstruction of offices and utility spaces.
Personnel agency Masons - workers has many years of experience and excellent results confirmed by positive references from our customers in the process of providing reliable personnel to the construction sector. To better understand the needs of our clients, we have chosen a very narrow focus. This allows us to accurately assess the personnel situation of construction companies
We have been working in Prague and its surroundings for 14 years as professional painters and painters. We most often paint apartments, paint offices, non-residential premises and family houses in Prague and its surroundings up to 30 km. As part of the painting work, we also carry out painting of facades and painting of roofs or cladding of family houses and buildings. If you are interested in…
Waterproofing of roofs. Painting and renovation of roofs, steel structures, tanks, concrete surfaces.
Flat reconstruction. We carry out: Design screeds Marmolino, imitation concrete, Terrace boards Siberian larch Plasterboard, stones, carpet, plumbing, electrical work, painting, varnishing, tiling and paving, Venetian stucco, imitation concrete, cast weber floors,
We offer painting, painting, masonry and cleaning work. We base our services and craftsmanship to the maximum on our reliability, experience and professional approach.
Services: - cleaning and technical services - graffiti removal and protective coatings - facade cleaning - washing interlocking paving - outdoor cleaning - grass cutting - regular, one-off and general cleaning - office cleaning - cleaning of apartment buildings - laundry (hotels, restaurants, etc.) - other cleaning services
Painting and varnishing works. Painting apartments, rooms, offices and public spaces. Painting and spraying facades. Washing facades. Spraying and washing of roofs. Complete cleaning services, apartment cleaning after painting. Laying floating floors and carpets. Minor masonry work. Painting at reasonable prices.
Construction, masonry, tiling, painting and plumbing work.
We carry out all construction work and painting work. Renovation of apartments, family houses, bathrooms, tiling, paving, plastering, water, heating, gas, transport ... discounts - 15% by agreement.
Jsme specialisté v oboru tapetářství. Tapetujeme všechny druhy tapet. Tapetář Praha. Tapetářství pro celou ČR v případě větší zakázky. Vyrábíme tapety a fototapety na zakázku.
Stavební práce všeho druhu od podlah až po strop . Zednické práce, malířské práce, obklady, dlažba, omýtky, penetrační nátěry střech, pokládka podlah vinil, dřevo, rigidní podlahové systémy, izolace různé montáže nábytku, autodoprava odvezu přivezu cokoliv kamkoliv Také nyní jako hodinový Manžel
Služby hodinového manžela. Inovace a renovace interiérů.
Výškové práce pomocí horolezecké techniky. Mytí oken, opravy fasád, opravy střech, natěračské práce, montážní práce, svařování ve výškách.
Services: -insulation and realization of facades -machine plastering-gypsum plaster -interior and exterior painting -all interior work -sanitation of old houses, etc.
Služby hodinového manžela, úklid domácností a kanceláří, mytí oken a výloh, dekorativní tapetování, malování a doprovod seniorů k lékaři nebo na úřad.
Do you need to repair an apartment or build a house? Contact us! We can do it very quickly! turnkey constructions trusses, roofing work, insulation and insulation work of houses and roofs, external and internal stucco and plastering, painting, painting, varnishing (finishing of wood and metals), flooring work and carpentry work.
In our e-shop, we offer verified and experienced craftsmen with their own tools and trade license. This service is created for construction companies that have their own suppliers of building materials and only need quality craftsmen. The unit prices of the items in our price lists are set in advance, which saves both clients and craftsmen time spent inquiring and selecting suitable craftsmen. We…
Potřebujete vytapetovat dům, byt či obchodní prostory a nejste si jistí, zda to zvládnete? Nechte tapetování profesionálům. Navštivte nás - Sekaninova 34, Praha. Máme dlouholeté zkušenosti s tapetováním i s okrasnými malbami na zeď a jsme tak schopni splnit i ty nejnáročnější požadavky. Nabízíme malby na zeď, které vás okouzlí a dodají vašemu interiéru nádhernou atmosféru a neotřelý vzhled.
Introduction The beginning of PROSTAV GROUP s.r.o. dates back to 2005. Like most companies, in the beginning it was an effort of a few entrepreneurs to provide the Czech market with quality crafts. Courage and above all a lot of effort of our team built a stable and strong company from a simple vision, which later became a limited liability company. Today, we are among the leading dynamically…
Complete reconstruction of interiors and exteriors in the field of construction and related services. Bricklayer, tiler, plasterer, plasterer, painter, electrician, plumber, plumber, roofer.
Hodinový manžel. Jmenuji se Jan Jáchim a nabízím vám služby hodinového manžela. Nabízím provedení drobných oprav a údržbu domácnosti, instalatérské, malířské i zednické práce. Jsem kutil který nabízí stavební a montážní práce pro vaši domácnost. V případě potřeby mě neváhejte kontaktovat. Těším se na naši spolupráci.