
Are you looking for accommodation? You can choose from lots of luxury and budget hotels, guesthouses and hostels. You can choose hotels with breakfast, half board or full board. Hotels are located throughout the Czech republic and offers you a stable background on the go.

Agromap, s.r.o.

Hotel - non-smoking - capacity 32 beds, apartments 2x2 beds - 2-5 bed rooms - parking in the building - WIFI internet connection - the possibility of entry with dogs (for a fee, on a leash) - conference room for 60 people Non smoking restaurant - summer terrace Non-smoking wine bar Riding school - rides - indoor equestrian hall - riding school -…

Alexandr Paul

Hotel U raka offers romantic accommodation in close proximity to Prague Castle. The hotel is surrounded by many cultural monuments, picturesque corners, pleasant restaurants and pubs. The unique interiors of the hotel rooms go hand in hand with the conveniences of modern times; all our rooms are equipped with high-speed internet connection and air conditioning. The hotel garden will become an…

Baltaci a.s.

Skupina Baltaci - provozuje ubytovací, stravovací a cateringové služby. V současnosti společnost provozuje dvě restaurace, tři hotely a tři expresní restaurace – Bistra ve Zlíně, Napajedlech, Tečovicích. Cateringové služby. Výroba a rozvoz jídel do firem a kanceláří ve Zlíně a okolí. Pronájem nemovitostí. Střední škola Baltaci ve Zlíně - absolventi nachází uplatnění v hotelnictví,…

Arti, s.r.o.

Hotel ***** - capacity of 20 rooms - air conditioning - single and double rooms, apartments - Wheelchair access - available hotel limousine room equipment - air conditioning with remote control - LCD TV including satellite channels - high speed internet connection - phone - minibar - room safe - a set for preparing coffee and tea - desk -…