EDB certified

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Kačírkova 982/4 Praha 5 15800


MVV Energie CZ a.s. is a leading producer and distributor of thermal energy on the Czech market, our other activities include electricity generation, energy consultancy, energy recovery of waste and water management. We approach energy production and supply responsibly using modern technologies. We are based in Kutvirtova street in Prague.

Production, distribution:
 - heat, heat, thermal energy
 - we produce heat from various fuels and also use geothermal water.

Electricity, energy consulting:
 - all electricity is produced only by cogeneration
 - supply of electricity to public distribution networks
 - Energy savings by EPC (Energy Performance Contracting) method, reducing energy costs.

Energy recovery of waste (EVO):
 - used for heat and electricity production.

Water management:
 - sewerage operation (sewage, storm, uniform, sewerage)
 - operation of waste water treatment plants (WWTP)
 - domestic waste water treatment
 - drinking water supply.

Our energy group provides services to households and industrial companies in a total of fifteen cities in the Czech Republic, in the Ústí nad Labem, Liberec, Moravian-Silesian, Zlín, Vysočina and Prague regions.

Přední výrobce a distributor tepelné energie na českém trhu

Výroba elektřiny, energetické poradenství, energetické využití odpadu

Provoz kanalizací, čistíren odpadních vod, čištění odpadních vod pro domácnosti

Poskytujeme své služby domácnostem i průmyslovým podnikům




Kačírkova 982/4
Praha 5 15800
[email protected]
+420 272 113 113

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Where to find us

Kačírkova 982/4
Praha 5 15800

Route planner

Kačírkova 982/4 Praha 5 15800