BIPO - PLAST s.r.o.
Ochranné povlaky pro autosedačky
Our main activity is welding of polyethylene front seat protective coatings for car seat manufacturers. Later we expanded the range of protective coatings used in car repair shops and other packaging material.
- car seat protective covers for garages (white or printed)
- seat covers for car seat manufacturers
- bags, bags made of HDPE (microtene), LDPE
- winded sheets and sacks
- large bags (liners for transport boxes)
- protective bags for the storage of tires
- car seat protective covers for garages (white or printed)
- seat covers for car seat manufacturers
- bags, bags made of HDPE (microtene), LDPE
- winded sheets and sacks
- large bags (liners for transport boxes)
- protective bags for the storage of tires
Jsme lety ověřený dodavatel LDPE povlaků do automobilového průmyslu
Vyrábíme špičkové, jednorázové, ochranné povlaky pro výrobce autosedaček
Na objednání dodáme ochranné LDPE pytle na ochranu pneumatik
Dodáváme ochranné povlaky pro autoservisy v celé ČR
Plastics for building industry Machines for car repair shops Plastic packaging and films Other agricultural products
SLOGAN: Odolné obaly pro každý průmysl
Ochranné LDPE povlaky autosedadel
LDPE a HDPE pytle a sáčky
Velkoprostorové LDPE a HDPE pytle
Ochranné LDPE pytle na uskladnění pneumatik