Financial counseling

Financial advice in the areas of personal, but also corporate finance includes advice on how to reduce expenses and increase revenue. Part of the service is determining the financial objectives of the council as at the effective funding, analysis of income and expenditure and drawing up a financial plan.

Jan Skolil

Ekonomické a finanční poradenství - nezávislé finanční konzultace - optimalizace rodinných financí - sociální programy pro firemní klientelu Hypotéky - refinancování hypoték - úvěry ze stavebních spořitelen Činnost investičního zprostředkovatele Činnost pojišťovacího zprostředkovatelepojištění - odpovědnosti za škodu, majetku - úrazové …

Ing. Otakar Ježek

Increasing productivity by methods of industrial engineering: - I increase productivity in all types of industrial processes, such as the production of parts and assembly in piece and series production, continuous production and continuous running equipment, maintenance of machinery and equipment, logistics, workshop management, corporate systems of continuous improvement.

Ing. Pavel Lazecký

Financing of companies and business projects Processing a business loan (of all types) or securing a bank guarantee. Projecting and development of the Business plan (including the possibility of creating a company financial plan and drawing up a cash-flow plan, performing microeconomic analyzes and processing professional appendices). Organizational support activities for the establishment and…