Well construction work

The construction of the well is not just about a simple excavation of the hole into the ground. It is necessary to perform other activities, which include work hydrogeologa and implementation of project documentation, after which no longer followed by the drilling or digging wells in certain dimensions.

TALPA - RPF, s.r.o.

Earthworks: -trenchless pipelaying - engineering communications and service pipelines -passages under the roads, railways, rivers/ water streams, earth controlled trenchless pipelaying -controlled horizontal drilling -moling. Ecology: -decontamination - old environmental burdens -waste management -geological, hydrogeological/ ground water survey -soil and water decontamination. …

Jiří Konrád - čištění vrtů a studní

Mr. Jiří Konrád deals with the cleaning of boreholes and wells. We are based in the town of Odry in the district of Nový Jičín. As part of well cleaning, we offer all activities from disconnecting and pulling the pump out of the well and pumping out the existing water, through the pumping out of dirt and sludge and cleaning the walls of the pipeline to re-pumping the water out of the well,…

Ing. Josef Szuścik - Vrtání studní bez těžké techniky

Drilling a well without heavy equipment We drill wells without heavy equipment and equip the well by plugging it with a well pipe according to the diameter of the well. At the end of the implementation of the well, we will install and connect the submersible pump. We also drill holes for fence posts, bushes, trees... Scope: Frýdek-Místek district, Ostrava, Opava, Karviná.

R.P.GEO s.r.o.

Company R.P.GEO s.r.o. provides services in geology, hydrogeology, engineering geology and ecology. We have been engaged in this activity since 2010 and within our services we carry out eg drilling, engineering-geological surveys. We also issue assessments or assessments of geological conditions, we also offer consultations and advice in these fields. Services:  - engineering geology  -…

DaVO Opava spol. s r. o.

Mechanical drilling of wells in hard rocks and sediments. Development of project documentation. Finding a location for a water source: - the classic way of commas. Pumping tests. All work is carried out with a guarantee. Drilling and blasting work. Sale of explosives.

DODASS - Václav Sulek

Maloobchod, prodej, poradenství, montáž: -čerpací technika -čerpadel do studní kopaných, vrtaných -čerpadla (kalová, zahradní, ponorné, oběhové, odstředivé, vřetenové) -příslušenství, náhradní díly -zavlahové systémy -zahradní závlahy, hadice -ruční pumpy. Práce: -studnařské (studnářství) -čištění, údržba studní.

Bedřich Pustka

Práce: -hloubení studní, studnařství -zemní práce. Výroba, prodej: -betonové skruže, prstence. Autodoprava, doprava: -nákladní přeprava vozem TATRA 815 s přívěsem -zimní údržba komunikací vozem TATRA 815 se špičkou nebo traktorem -odstraňování sněhu a ledu (nakládka a doprava) strojem UNC 750 a Locust 752. Provedení zemních prací stroji: - Locust 752 - smykově…

GARA MNP s.r.o.

The company GARA MNP s.r.o. carries out earthworks and excavation works, complex construction activities, freight and delivery transport, sale of bulk materials and materials, winter maintenance of machine mechanization. We also offer drilling work, well drilling, well work, projections. Water resource surveying, consulting, hydrogeological surveying and engineering. Earth and excavation works…