Earthwork and excavation work

Excavations drainage, demolition, excavating the foundations of houses, digging trenches for utilities, modification of terrain or excavation for swimming pools? All these activities fall within the scope of earthwork and excavation works, which are carried out using excavators, or excavators.

Dušan Bouda

Our company based in the Třebíč district deals with the complete construction of residential and non-residential buildings. We offer masonry work, building foundations and other activities related to construction activities. We offer you: - construction of residential buildings - construction of non - residential premises - masonry work - earthworks and more. We are located…

CSNV s.r.o.

Dovolte nám představit firmu CSNV s.r.o., která nabízí svým zákazníkům širokou škálu služeb. CSNV s.r.o. je dynamická firma z Nové Vsi u Chotěboře, která poskytuje širokou škálu služeb pro osobní, nákladní, zemědělské a stavební stroje. Nabízí profesionální pneuservis a autoservis, čímž zajišťuje maximální provozuschopnost vašich strojů a vozidel. Kromě toho zajišťuje prodej a rozvoz písků…

Michal Kraus

Michal Kraus - Váš spolehlivý partner pro zemní práce a autodopravu v Jihlavě! Hledáte profesionální a spolehlivou firmu pro zemní práce, kontejnerovou autodopravu do 15 tun, zimní údržbu, pronájem kontejnerů nebo dovoz sypkých materiálů? Firma Michal Kraus, sídlící na adrese Zborná 37, Jihlava, je tu právě pro vás! Naše služby zahrnují: Zemní práce: Provádíme veškeré zemní práce s…

Jiří Loukota - zednické práce

Firma Jiří Loukota je spolehlivým partnerem pro všechny zákazníky, kteří hledají kvalitní a profesionální zednické práce. Společnost nabízí komplexní služby v oblasti stavby základů, hrubých staveb, zemních a výkopových prací, pokládky zámkových a terasových dlažeb, jádrového vrtání, kanalizace a odpadů, rozvodů a instalací. Firma Jiří Loukota má dlouholeté zkušenosti a disponuje moderním…

Servis Traktorů s.r.o.

The company Servis Traktorů s.r.o. as its name suggests provides services in the field of repair of agricultural machinery. We focus mainly on professional service and repairs of mainly FENDT tractors, as well as the sale of spare parts and oils. We also provide agricultural services. We provide plowing, sowing, fertilizer application, manure spreading or forage harvesting into bales. We are…

Zemní práce a doprava Radek Latocha

Earthworks and transport Radek Latocha offers quality earthworks, excavation and construction work. We implement plasters, facades, insulation of houses and laying interlocking paving. Let us implement orders primarily in the vicinity of Nadějov, ie Polná, Luka nad Jihlavou, Kamenice, Brtnice, Měřín or Jihlava, but we are also able to work within the entire Vysočina region. We provide: -…

Ing. Pavel Radoš – CHORDA

Ing. Pavel Radoš - CHORDA offers comprehensive services in the field of earthworks and excavation, including construction activities. We operate in the district of Havlíčkův Brod. We have a wide fleet of vehicles: - backhoe loader CAT 428C - mini excavator KUBOTA – KX41 (1.5t) - KUBOTA mini excavator – KX019-4 (2t) - IFA 50 (6t) - Avia 31 container (3.5t) 3x - Avia 31 tipper (3.5t) -…

David Beran - zemní práce

The David Beran company carries out earthworks and excavation works. We offer excavations for foundations of family houses, excavations for foundations for swimming pools, excavations for utility networks, including implementation. We install water connections and sewers. We also provide minor demolition work, excavation work by machine. We are able to provide container transport of bulk material…

Tomáš Tesař zemní práce s.r.o.

Hledáte spolehlivou firmu, která Vám provede zemní a výkopové práce? Potom neváhejte využít služeb společnost Tomáš Tesař zemní práce s.r.o. Jak již její název napovídá, soustřeďuje svoji činnost zejména na komplexní zemní a výkopové práce. Potřebujete zrealizovat výkopy základu u rodinného domu, inženýrských sítí, bazénu či provést terénní úpravy? Potom je pro Vás naše firmou tou nejlepší…

Stavební firma Stodola - Herálec - Jiří Stodola

The construction company Stodola performs all construction work. Among other things, we provide turnkey house construction, reconstruction and rebuilding, insulation and insulation work, tiling work, carpentry, roofing and plumbing work, installation of doors and windows. We have several different construction machines that we use at work. According to the agreement, we can arrange the removal of…

Skládky VHS Jihlava s.r.o.

The company Skládky VHS Jihlava s.r.o. is a smaller, flexible, dynamic company. It was founded in 2007 and the majority of employees are employees of Vodohospodářské staveb Jihlava with many years of experience in performing civil engineering for civil and industrial production, especially sewers, water mains, earthworks, roads and monolithic structures. The basic goal of the company is a…

T&Nstav stavební a obchodní, s.r.o.

Our company T & Nstav Construction and Trading s.r.o. offers its customers comprehensive services in the field of construction. We focus primarily on the construction of turnkey houses, reconstruction and modification of houses, building insulation, construction, reconstruction and modification of civil and industrial buildings. If you decide to build your house yourself, we will be happy to…

Technické služby města Pelhřimova, příspěvková organizace

The company Technické služby města Pelhřimova, a contributory organization, takes care of waste management, public greenery, cleanliness and winter maintenance of roads, construction work, public lighting, cemetery management, sports grounds, parking, public toilets, markets, advertising and billboard areas of Pelhřimov. Waste management: - waste collection - rental of containers -…


The company ENVIREX HOLDING, a.s. is a specialist in waste disposal, especially waste with the characteristics of hazardous waste, environmental protection and remediation of environmental accidents. Our company provides services that are primarily focused on environmental protection. A wide range of the company's activities can be specified in more detail in the areas of ecology, geology,…

TEREKO stavby s.r.o.

We are a construction company with more than twenty years of experience. We specialize in the construction of houses, reconstruction of buildings, including insulation, and we have equipment available for earthworks and excavations. We operate in Náměšť nad Oslavou and the surrounding area, we respond to inquiries immediately and we deal with customers professionally. With us, your project,…

Martin Macko - MM realizace

The company MM implementation based in Třebíč has been engaged in the complete construction and reconstruction of flats and family houses as well as earthworks for more than 20 years. Thanks to the cooperation with the partner design office PP Ateliér, we are able to provide our customers with everything from processing the building permit to the final implementation of the construction. We try…