Car service, car repair shop. Tire service. Welding work.
Driving school - teaching and training of driving license group B - fitness rides Training - referees
Bazar - karavany Prodej - vybavení karavanů
Prodej - motorová vozidla Obchodní činnost
Sales, e-shop: - car parts - spare parts for cars
Sales, retail, e-shop: -accessories for motorcycle sports
Services: - road transport - ground work - towing service
Car service: - repair of trucks and passenger vehicles
Prodej: - nové osobní automobily BMW, HONDA, HYUNDAI, KIA, PEUGEOT, ŠKODA, TOYOTA, VOLKSWAGEN Finanční služby: - úvěry, leasing na vozy, stroje
Autoškola - skupiny A, B, BE - kondiční jízdy - školení řidičů.
Work: - car paint shop - car paint shop - industrial painting - auto glass replacements
Rental, rental: -caravans - slot machines Services: - transport by minibus - bazaar-pawnshop
Car service, car repair shop: - car paint shop -car body shop -repairs and replacements of windshields -car rental
Ecological disposal of vehicles. Recycling of car wrecks. Scrap metal - purchase of collection raw materials - purchase of iron and other metals.
Services: - car service - car painting works - body work - autoplastic welding - replacement, installation of car glasses
Dodávka - motorová nafta Prodej a pronájem - mobilní nádrže FUELMASTER a TRUCKMASTER na naftu a použitý olej
Autoservis, autoopravna: -kompletní opravy automobilů -autolakýrnické práce -autoklempířské práce