Opavska 6117/51, Ostrava-Poruba 708 00
Do you need to find a pharmacy in Ostrava with friendly and helpful staff? We provide services corresponding to current standards and regulations of quality pharmacy care. We offer a full range of prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs and vitamins at good prices. We accept vouchers: Sodexo, Unišek, Ticketpro, Vital Pass, Flexi Pass. The pharmacy is a member of the My Pharmacy association - we offer GALMED food supplements and vitamins. We also operate an E-SHOP.
We offer: medicines, vitamin supplements, dietary supplements, homeopathic preparations, anti-smoking preparations, teas and tea mixtures, cosmetic preparations, medical technology, veterinary preparations.

  • prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, food supplement sales, drug advisory service
  • drug production, drug distribution, disposal of unusable drugs, sales of curative cosmetics
  • range of medical supplies, bandages and braces, measuring instruments, orthopaedic and compensation aids

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