Frantisek Jakes

Brloh c.p. 87, Brloh 382 06

  • installation of heat distribution systems, local heating installation, installation of individual central heating, central heating installation, distance heating installation, underfloor heating installation
  • installation of air-handling equipment, air-conditioning installation and repairs, air-conditioner service
  • energy services, power for households, energy for industry, photovoltaic energy, electric power
  • wood cutting, timber harvesting and logging, tree felling, timber storage, lumber sale, production from wood, firewood and fuelwood, sawmill wood processing
  • gas pipeline designing, gas pipeline assembly, gas installations, gas distribution system repairs, gas equipment revisions, gas appliance repairs
  • key manufacture, key system installation, cylindrical lock manufacture, letterbox keys, car key manufacture
  • water piping installation, water connections, water distribution and sewer system, installation of water meters, installation of water taps
  • forest treatment, data on forest conditions, forestry maps, timber harvesting, forest dividing, forestry activities

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