Jiri Gracias

Dukelska 47, Boskovice 680 01
In the developing low-cost AES e-shop, we will be happy to address you with quality goods at the lowest possible prices, or with really big quantity discounts. In addition to the offer of electronic components, we are preparing a selection of goods from two other fields - we are pleased to work on the offer of the first goods from the field of astronomical technology and electronic kits. Business goals: - Innovative approach, improvement: The only thing can be done in different ways and you can always find new, better, faster and easier approaches to even the simplest possible job. - Offer of quality goods: A good price is really good for the customer only if it is paid for quality goods, which he would buy significantly more expensive elsewhere, or if the price is even lower and the goods have a defect that the customer knows about, accepts and the price. corresponds. - Minimization of costs and low prices for the customer: Unnecessary work can always be found on every job, making work more expensive. Behind the scenes of the AES e-shop, we work for you with free software and in a compact warehouse space. Promotions, gifts, competitions, advertisements, dumping are not used and no customer is favored over another customer (everything would be reflected in the overall higher price of goods for the customer) - Offer a wide range of volume discounts for goods where discounts make sense - where quantity projected into costs. Although the customer influences the price of the purchased goods by quantity, the seller's time costs fluctuate within small limits. The benefit is mutual.

  • electronics for regulation systems, microprocessor systems, manufacture of electronic equipment, electrical power sources

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