HOME reality

Milady Horakove, Hradec Kralove 500 06
3-Zadni strana domu.JPG We carry out ordinary real estate activities, as you are used to from the offers of other real estate agencies, i.e. just a small list of our services: · estimation of the market price · determination of the optimal price of your property · analysis, analysis of the possibility of sale · compilation of a sales plan · personal consultation · real estate financing options · securing real estate financing · real estate insurance · money safekeeping · real estate transfer tax escrow - tax lien · legal escrow · real estate purchases · provision of loans and credits · debt relief of the client - payment of loans, foreclosures, pledges · search for interesting investment opportunities opportunities · verification of the buyer's creditworthiness, evaluation of the client's creditworthiness · information on the possibility and status of loan processing · search for your new property · assessment and removal of legal defects that prevent the sale (encumbrances, pledges, execution and other restrictions, as well as inheritance and restitution) · coverage of risks associated with the rental of real estate, ka uce, legal protection · division of land · cancellation of liens and restrictions · provision of a court expert · contracts on future contracts · purchase contracts · mortgage contracts · loan contracts · easement contracts · informing about business development · informing about inspections · informing about creditworthiness buyer's client · informing about the status of processing loans

  • real estate agencies, sale of flats, sale of homes, rental of commercial premises, association of real estate agencies

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