Návesní 1,
76001 Zlín - Mladcová
Metal production:
-production of parts by machining on CNC machines.
Development, production:
- sealing systems, sealing elements working in dynamic i
static load:
- sealing of pneumatic, hydraulic cylinders
- TMA wiper rings
- TMS piston rod seal, TMK piston seal
- TMF guide rings
- support rings TMSt
- TMR rotary seal
- static seal
- seals for heavy industry
- special seals according to customer requirements
- flat seals
- mechanical systems.

  • gumové výrobky, těsnicí materiály, technická pryž, gumové těsnicí prvky, těsnění topenářství a instalatérství
  • hadice a čerpadla, potrubní ventily, rozvaděče a konektory, filtrační jednotky, pohony a agregáty
  • obrábění železných materiálů, klasické třískové obrábění kovů, ozubená kola, broušené kuželové soukolí, opracování na CNC strojích

Czech Companies
Rubber belts, hoses and seals, Hydraulic systems, Engineering plants and metal fabrication

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Transport trolley for electric cars: why it could be useful for you and what are its advantages?

Electric cars are an increasingly popular and modern mode of transport that offers many advantages for the environment, economy and health. However, they require special conditions and care, especially during their transportation. If you are looking for a practical and reliable conveyor for your immobile electric car, for whatever reason, read about the transport trolleys for electric cars from Přidal s.r.o., which provide a number of advantages.

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Asociace gumárenské technologie Zlín s.r.o.

Rubberized rollers are an important part of all conveyor, packaging, winding and other industrial machines. Their design and quality plays an extremely important role in the operation of the whole device. The Asociace gumarenske technologie Zlin s.r.o. (AGT Zlin), which has been producing rubberized rollers for many years, has expanded its technological equipment and started to produce rubberized rollers with grooves. Compared to those with smooth surface, grooved rollers bring a wide range of benefits.