Zdenek Sasek

Hutnicka 2752/30, Most 434 01
Information on the entity cannot be verified.

  • domestic electrical appliances, white electrical goods, kitchen electrical appliances, bathroom appliances, sale of vacuum cleaners
  • electronic equipment, white goods, hygiene articles, household equipment, musical instruments
  • men's walking footwear, children's walking shoes, seasonal shoes, sports shoes, formal footwear, all-leather shoes, home footwear
  • electronic apparatuses, components of electronic devices, digital controllers, electronic relays, switchgears and switching devices
  • multimedia freeware and software, consumer electronics, sound and image, home cinemas, players and converters
  • white goods, espresso and coffee makers, boilers and water heaters, cookers and extractor hoods, vacuum cleaners and cleaners
  • alarm clocks and stopwatches, pocket watch and wall clocks, jewellery and costume jewellery, exact time

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