Ladislav Zubr - Kovo

Bynina 101, Valasske Mezirici 757 01
The company Ladislav Zubr - Kovo specializes in providing services in the field of metal production. We focus on metal processing, metalworking, milling and also turning. You can find us at Bynina 101, Valašské Meziříčí.

Services, work:
- metal production
- metalworking
- metalworking
- turning
- milling.

If you are interested in the offer of services, do not hesitate to contact me.

  • welding of gates, railing and staircase welding, welding of shelves and racks, welding of large hall structures
  • engineering production, machining and turning, milling of metal parts, automatic lathes, custom metalworking

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